
Use the linkfset command to create a junction to connect a name in a directory of a parent file set to the root directory of a child fileset. You must have Administrator authority to use this command.

As a prerequisite, the file system must be mounted and the junction path must be under the mount point of the file system. A dependent file set that is contained within an owner fileset can be linked only inside its owner path or in a directory tree of the owner path. A fileset without an owner can be linked anywhere in the file system.

Although a junction is displayed as a directory, you cannot issue directory commands to remove a junction. Use the unlinkfset command instead.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramtpctoollinkfset -user user_name -pwd password -url url -help-fileset file_set_id -pathpath-header ?-silent-qs character-fs character

Parameters and arguments

-user user_name
Specifies an IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
-pwd password
Specifies the password for the IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
-url url
Specifies the Device server. The format of the URL is system:port_number, where system represents either the host name or IP address, and port_number represents the IBM Spectrum Control Device server port.
-help | -h | -?
Lists help information for the command.
-fileset file_set_id
Specifies the IBM Spectrum Control key of the fileset to be linked. The fileset key is listed in the ID column of the lsfset command output.
-path path
Specifies the name of the junction. The name must not refer to an existing file system object.
Suppresses the column headings in the output. If you omit this parameter, the column headings are included.
Suppresses all output for the command. If you omit this parameter, output is included.
-qs character
Specifies the 7-bit character that surrounds character strings and date stamps in the output. If you omit this parameter, character strings and date stamps are enclosed by double quotation marks (").
-fs character
Specifies the 7-bit character that separates the information in the output. If you omit this parameter, the information is separated by blank spaces.

Example: Linking a fileset

The following command links the fileset that is named to the path /ibm/eefs/eefsetdir01.
tpctool> linkfset -fileset 
-path /ibm/eefs/eefsetdir01 -user admin -pwd password -url localhost:9550

The following output is returned:

FilesetId                                    Status
==================================================== SUCCESS