
Use the chkquota command to check quota limits for users, user groups, and filesets on a file system and to write the information to the GPFS database.

Because quota information in the database is not updated in real time, you must run the chkquota command before the lsquota command. This sequence refreshes the quota information in the GPFS database. You must have Administrator authority to use this command.

By specifying a file system, you can use the chkquota command to check the quotas for users, user groups, and filesets. This process can be lengthy because these devices can have large numbers of files. When the command completes, the collected data is updated in the GPFS database and is then available to the lsquota command for retrieval. The chkquota command output displays a completion status of success or error. It does not display the quota information. The lsquota displays the data that is collected by the chkquota command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramtpctoolchkquota-user user_name -pwd password -url url -filesystemfile_system_id

Parameters and arguments

-user user_name
Specifies an IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
-pwd password
Specifies the password for the IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
-url url
Specifies the Device server. The format of the URL is system:port_number, where system represents either the host name or IP address, and port_number represents the IBM Spectrum Control Device server port.
-filesystem file_system_id
Specifies the ID for the file system that is associated with the quota. You can use the lsfs command to return information, including the IDs, for all file systems that are discovered. The ID is listed in the ID column of the lsfs command output.

Example: Check a quota for a file system

The following command checks the status of a quota for a file system:
tpctool> chkquota -filesystem 
-user admin -pwd password -url localhost:9550

The following output is returned:

FilesystemId                         Status
============================================ SUCCESS