Creating Cognos Analytics data source for the IBM Spectrum Control database

You can create an IBM® Cognos® Analytics data source for your IBM Spectrum Control database.

Before you begin

The following table shows the Db2® actions that are required before you create an IBM Cognos Analytics data source for the IBM Spectrum Control database:
Table 1. Required Db2 actions for IBM Spectrum Control/Cognos Analytics integration scenarios
IBM Spectrum Control - Cognos Analytics integration scenario Required Db2 actions
IBM Spectrum Control database and Cognos Analytics on the same Windows or Linux® computer There are no Db2 actions required
IBM Spectrum Control database and Cognos Analytics on the same AIX® computer Configure the connectivity with the IBM Spectrum Control database to use the loopback mode, or Cognos Analytics will fail to connect to the IBM Spectrum Control database source when running reports multiple times.
Complete the following steps on the AIX computer:
  1. Log on to the computer as a user with root privileges
  2. Switch to the user that is the Db2 instance owner (for example, db2inst1).
  3. Run this command:
    db2 catalog tcpip node loopbk 
    remote server 25000

    If your Db2 instance uses a different port other than 25000, provide that port value in the command. For example, 50000.

  4. Run this command:
    db2 catalog database TPCDB 
    as TPCDB_LP at node loopbk

    If your IBM Spectrum Control database has a name other than TPCDB, provide that database name in the command.

    If you have upgraded from an earlier version of IBM Spectrum Control, you might find that you already have the loopback connection configured and the above mentioned commands return errors. Confirm the configuration using the 'db2 list database directory' command and look for TPCDB_LP.

IBM Spectrum Control database on a different computer than where you installed Cognos Analytics, all platforms Catalog the node and database for the remote IBM Spectrum® Control database.
Complete the following steps on the computer where you installed Cognos Analytics:
  1. On Windows operating system: Log in as a user with administrative privileges.
    1. On Linux or AIX operating system: Log in as a user with root privileges.
  2. On Windows operating system, from the Start Menu, select IBM DB2 DB2COPY1 (Default) > DB2 Command Window - Administrator.
    1. On Linux or AIX operating system: Switch to the user that is the Db2 instance owner (for example, db2inst1).
  3. Enter the following command to catalog the remote node:
    db2 catalog tcpip node node_name 
    remote server_fqdn server port

    Where node_name is a new value you provide to name the node. For example, remoteSC. The server_fqdn value is the fully qualified domain name of the machine where the IBM Spectrum Control database resides. For example, The port value is the port number that is used by Db2. The default value is 25000. Port 50000 can also be used.

    db2 catalog tcpip node remoteSC 
    server 25000
  4. Enter the following command to catalog the remote database:
    db2 catalog database database_name 
    as alias at node node_name

    Where database_name is the name of the IBM Spectrum Control database. Typically, this name is TPCDB. The alias value is a new value that you provide to reference the cataloged database. For example, remDB. The node_name value is the value that you set in Step 3.

    db2 catalog database TPCDB as remDB 
    at node remoteSC


To create an Cognos Analytics data source for the IBM Spectrum Control database, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a web browser and enter the following URL:

    Where http is the protocol, and FQDN_Of_Your_Machine is your fully qualified domain name, (for example,

  2. Select Manage > Administration console.
  3. In the IBM Cognos Administration GUI, select the Configuration tab.
  4. In the Configuration tab, select Data Source Connections.
  5. On the toolbar, click the New Data Source icon. It is the first icon in the list.
  6. On the Specify a name and description page, in the Name property, enter TPCDB.
    You must enter the TPCDB value or the IBM Spectrum Control predefined reports will not generate successfully.
  7. On the Specify a name and description page, click Next.
  8. On the Specify the connection page, select IBM DB2 from the Type field.
  9. Verify that Use the default object gateway is selected.
  10. Unmark Configure JDBC connection and click Next.
  11. On the Specify the IBM DB2 connection string page, in the DB2 database name property, complete one of the following steps:
    1. If the IBM Spectrum Control database is on the same Windows or Linux computer as where you installed Cognos Analytics (first row scenario from Table 1), enter the name of the IBM Spectrum Control database. Typically, this name is TPCDB.
    2. If the IBM Spectrum Control database is on the same AIX computer as where you installed Cognos Analytics (second row scenario from Table 1), enter the alias value that you created when you cataloged the loopback database. Typically, this value is TPCDB_LP.
    3. If the IBM Spectrum Control database is on a different computer than where you installed Cognos Analytics (third row scenario from Table 1), enter the alias value that you created when you cataloged the remote database. For example, remDB.
  12. On the Specify the IBM DB2 connection string page, in the Signon section, do the following:
    1. Verify that Signons is selected.
    2. Select Password.
    3. In the User ID property, enter the user name of the owner of the Db2 instance where the IBM Spectrum Control database is located. On a Window operating system, this user name is typically db2admin.
      On Linux or AIX operating system, this user name is typically db2inst1.
    4. In the Password and Confirm password properties, enter the password that is associated with the User ID property from the previous substep.
  13. On the Specify the IBM DB2 connection string page, in the Testing section, click Test the connection.
  14. On the Test the connection page, click Test.
  15. When the test is successful, on the View the results page, click Close.
  16. On the Test the connection page, click Close.
  17. On the Specify the IBM DB2 connection string page, click Next.
  18. On the Specify the commands page, click Finish.
  19. Close your web browser.