File List
Add one or more servers with Storage Resource agents by importing the configuration information from a comma-delimited file.
The web-based GUI guides
you through the following steps for adding servers:
- Select the input file.
- Configure deployment information.
- Schedule the agent deployment and data collection for the servers.
The comma-delimited file that you use to import the configuration information for servers can contain entries for a single server or multiple servers. Each line in the file represents a server that you want to add. The information about each server must be organized in the following format:
host name or IP address,OS type,location,custom tag 1,custom tag 2,custom tag 3
where:host name or IP address
is required for each server entry. An IP address can be in an IPv4 or IPv6 format. A host name or IP address can contain the following characters or symbols:- A - Z (uppercase characters)
- a - z (lowercase characters)
- 0 - 9 (numeric characters)
- Symbols: - . : _
OS type
is required and represents the operating system of the server. The OS type for a server must be one of the following values:- Windows
- Linux®
- AIX®
is optional and represents the physical location of the server. The location value can be up to 64 characters in length. If the length exceeds 64 characters, the location value is truncated when the server is added.custom tag 1
,custom tag 2
, andcustom tag 3
are optional and represent any additional information that you want to provide about the server. The custom tag values can be up to 64 characters in length. If the length exceeds 64 characters, the custom tag value is truncated when the server is added.Tip: The custom tags can be displayed on the Servers page or can be included as report columns when you generate reports for the server.
- Example
host1,Windows,San Jose,Accounting department host5,Linux,London,Finance department,AIX,,Computing department 2001:DB8:0:0:0:0:0:0,Windows,Tokyo
- If the comma-delimited file contains entries for multiple servers, it might take some time to add the servers. To confirm that the servers are added, check the Status column on the Servers page.
- To comment out a line, enter a "#" at the beginning of the line. The server on that line is not added when the list is imported.Example:
# host1,Windows,San Jose,Accounting department
- If there are syntax problems in the file, none of the servers in the file are added.