Changing credentials for Storage Resource agents

You can change Storage Resource agent credentials, such as the user name and password that IBM Spectrum Control uses for logging on to the server where the agent is deployed.


  1. In the menu bar, go to Servers > Servers.
  2. On the Servers page, right-click the server where the agent is deployed and select Modify Agents > Update Credentials.
  3. In the Enter User Credentials window, change the credentials for logging on to the server where the agent is installed.
    You can change the following credentials:
    User name, Password
    The user name and password that IBM Spectrum Control uses for logging on to the server where the Storage Resource agent is deployed. The user name must have administrative or root privileges on the server. This action is available only for Storage Resource agents that were deployed as non-daemon services.
    The user name and password must contain valid characters. You can enter the following characters:
    • A - Z (uppercase characters)
    • a - z (lowercase characters)
    • 0 - 9 (numeric characters)
    • Series of punctuation marks or special characters: ! # % & * + - / = ? ^ _ { } ( ) . ,
    • User names and passwords cannot contain spaces and must have at least one character.
    • The maximum length of a user name or password is 128 characters.
    Certificate location
    The fully qualified path of the certificate file for the Storage Resource agent, for example, installation_dir/data/sra/operating_system/certs/sra.pem. This file is on the computer where the IBM Spectrum Control server is installed. If the agent uses Secure Shell (SSH) protocol for communication, the certificate location field is displayed.
    The passphrase for the certificate file. The passphrase was created when the certificate was generated.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.

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