BPCUI0614E Cannot validate the connection to IBM Security Verify.


For an initial validation, IBM Spectrum Control sends a JSON Web Token (JWT) to IBM Security Verify. The JWT is signed with the private key from the IBM Spectrum Control certificate. This problem occurs when IBM Security Verify cannot verify the JWT because the IBM Spectrum Control certificate was not imported.


To export the IBM Spectrum Control certificate and import it into IBM Security Verify, complete the following steps:
  1. In IBM Spectrum Control, go to Settings > User Management.
  2. On the User Management page, click Edit Authentication.
  3. On the Authentication Configuration page, click Next.
  4. Click Export Certificate and save it to a local device. When you export the certificate, an alias is displayed on the Authentication Configuration page. Remember that alias so that you can enter it later when you import the certificate to IBM Security Verify.
  5. Access the IBM Security Verify administrator dashboard. This URL follows the format https://tenant.verify.ibm.com/ui/admin, where tenant is the name of the tenant that is associated with your organization, such as https://bankxyz.verify.ibm.com/ui/admin.
  6. Select Security > Certificates.
  7. Click Add signer certificate.
  8. On the Add signer certificate page, select Add file and navigate to where you exported the IBM Spectrum Control certificate on your device.
  9. Select the certificate and click Open.
  10. In Friendly name, enter the alias that was displayed when the certificate was exported.
  11. Click Ok.
  12. In IBM Spectrum Control, try to connect to IBM Security Verify again.