Docker concepts

To understand Docker and using Docker containers with IBM® Spectrum Conductor, familiarize yourself with these Docker concepts.


Packs applications with dependencies into a virtual container.

Docker active hosts

Compute hosts that have Docker installed and the Docker daemon running on the supported version are considered Docker active hosts. Docker active hosts can process Docker and non-Docker workloads.

Docker client

Primary user interface for the Docker daemon. It accepts commands from the user and communicates with the Docker daemon. The Docker daemon and client can run on the same or separate systems. The Docker client and daemon communicate via sockets or through RESTful APIs.

Docker container

Created from an image and is the run time component of Docker. A container holds everything that is needed for an application instance or an instance group to run, including an operating system, user-added files, meta-data, and other dependencies.

Docker daemon

Builds, runs, and manages Docker containers on a host machine.

Docker image

A read-only template for creating containers. An image contains the installations of an application instance or an instance group with its software and dependencies, and the process to run when the container is launched.

Docker pod

One or more collocated Docker containers that are scheduled and controlled as a single unit and share network resources.

Docker pod instance

A single running pod instance that corresponds to a single ASC or Conductor service instance.

Docker registries

Repositories of images for users to upload or download. Registries can be public or private. The public Docker registry is called the Docker Hub.