Dashboard support for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition

IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition supports a dashboard to monitor system performance, statistics, and configuration.

The dashboard solution is based on the following open source software:
  • Logstash, to collect data.
  • Elasticsearch, to store the data.
  • Grafana, to visualize data.
See the "Required software for Linux systems" page for the software requirements. Support for the open source packages can be acquired, for a fee, by contacting a third-party provider. It is not covered by the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition license and support contract.
Note: Starting from version, IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition product installation package no longer redistributes the required open source package.
Figure 1. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition dashboard and monitoring server
A view of a monitoring server that is connected to IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition nodes. The monitoring server is gather data from the Logstash software that is installed on each IBM Spectrum Archive node. The nodes are connected to the Monitoring server with Elasticsearch software. Customizable, preconfigured dashboards are used to connect to eh monitoring server to gather and display the data. You can build a custom application to use through the REST API service.
The software provides information displays that show the following views:
  • An activity view, which shows a performance counter and the drive configuration.
  • A storage view, which shows the storage usage and pool configuration information.
  • A system health view, which includes system alerts.
  • A configuration view, which shows the physical and logical elements and associations.
  • A task view, which shows the list of previous and ongoing tasks.

For information on how to install and use the dashboard for your IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition system, go to the following article on the IBM® Support website: Monitoring the Statistics of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition

The following example shows the activity dashboard pane.
Screen capture showing the dashboard activity pane.
The following example shows a dashboard pane that is customized with a third-party plug-in.
Screen capture of the dashboard pane that is customized with a third-party plug-in.