Software requirements

Before you install IBM® Software Hub, review the software requirements for the platform, the shared cluster components, and the services that you plan to install, and review the supported web browsers.

Platform software requirements

You must have the following software to install IBM Software Hub:

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

For entitlement information see Licenses and entitlements.

IBM Software Hub supports the following versions of Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform. (IBM Software Hub supports the same operating system requirements as Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.)

Important: IBM Software Hub supports only the specified releases of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.
Version Learn more
Version 4.12.0 or later fixes
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
For details, see the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform documentation:
Cluster sizing guidance
Refer to the platform hardware requirements as you configure your cluster:
Restriction: Data Virtualization and Db2 Big SQL are not supported on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Version 4.12. If you plan to install either of these services, you must install Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Version 4.14 or later.
Version 4.14.0 or later fixes
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
For details, see the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform documentation:
Cluster sizing guidance
Refer to the platform hardware requirements as you configure your cluster:
Version 4.15.0 or later fixes
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
For details, see the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform documentation:
Cluster sizing guidance
Refer to the platform hardware requirements as you configure your cluster:
Version 4.16.4 or later fixes
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
For details, see the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform documentation:
Cluster sizing guidance
Refer to the platform hardware requirements as you configure your cluster:
Version 4.17.0 or later fixes
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
For details, see the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform documentation:
Cluster sizing guidance
Refer to the platform hardware requirements as you configure your cluster:
Restriction: Do not install the KubeVirt HyperConverged Cluster Operator from the Community Operator catalog source on the cluster.

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cert-manager Operator

Restriction: The Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cert-manager Operator is a prerequisite for new installations. If you are upgrading to IBM Software Hub Version 5.1, you can continue to use the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Certificate manager.
The cert-manager Operator is not installed by default when you install Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. To install the cert-manager Operator, see Installing the cert-manager Operator for Red Hat OpenShift in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform documentation:

Kubernetes Metrics Server

If you do not enable the default monitoring stack on your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster and you want to gather use metrics for your pods and nodes, install Kubernetes Metrics Server.

Important: If you do not enable the default monitoring stack or install Kubernetes Metrics Server, the platform monitoring features in IBM Software Hub will not work.

Supported networking protocols

IBM Software Hub can run on the following networking protocols:
  • IPv4 single-stack network
  • IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack network
For more information, see Converting to IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack networking in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform documentation:

Shared cluster component software requirements

There are no additional software requirements for the following shared cluster-level components:
  • scheduling service
  • IBM License Service

Service software requirements

Use this table to determine whether the service that you want to install depends on other software being available:
  • Some services require other software to be installed outside of IBM Software Hub (marked as external dependencies)
  • Some services require other IBM Software Hub services to be installed as prerequisites or to support specific functionality (marked as service dependencies)
  • Some services require other underlying components, which the service installs if needed (marked as component dependencies)

AI Factsheets

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
The service does not have any service dependencies.
However, to implement a complete AI governance solution, you must install the following services:
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog
  • OpenPages
  • Watson OpenScale
  • Watson Machine Learning
  • Watson Studio

If you install AI Factsheets with only Watson Studio, you can create AI use cases in only one catalog.

The service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)

Anaconda Repository for IBM Cloud Pak for Data

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
For details, see the Anaconda installation requirements. None None

Analytics Engine powered by Apache Spark

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
None None None

Cognos Analytics

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To use Cognos Analytics, you must have:
The service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)

Cognos Dashboards

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
The service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)
  • Redis (ibm_redis_cp)

Data Gate

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To use this service, you must have:
  • IBM z/OS V2.4 (5650-ZOS) or later.
  • Db2 for z/OS, either:
    • V12 (5650-DB2 or 5770-AF3) with APAR fixes installed and running at Function Level 505 or higher. You find the list of required APAR fixes here: Software dependencies.
    • V13 (5698-DB2 or 5698-DBV)
  • Distributed data facility (DDF) with a secure port, configured for network encryption through AT-TLS. For details, see Configuring network access between Data Gate and IBM Z.
To use this service, you must have at least one instance of a supported, integrated database:
  • Db2
  • Db2 Warehouse
The following services are not required but provide additional functionality:
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog enables you to automatically publish metadata about Data Gate tables to catalogs.

Data Privacy

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must have one of the following services already installed:
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog Premium

Data Product Hub

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
The service automatically installs the following services if they are not already installed:
  • Analytics Engine powered by Apache Spark
  • Data Refinery
The service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • Db2 as a service (db2aaservice)
  • Db2U (db2u)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)

Data Refinery

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
None None None

Data Replication

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
The service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)


External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
The following services are not required but provide additional functionality:
  • Orchestration Pipelines enables you to convert DataStage sequence jobs to pipelines.
The service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)

Data Virtualization

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
The service automatically installs the following services if they are not already installed:
  • Db2 Data Management Console
The service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • Db2U (db2u)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)
  • Redis (ibm_redis_cp)


External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
The following services are not required but provide additional functionality:
  • Db2 Data Management Console provides:
    • A graphical user interface for SQL execution
    • A runtime monitoring interface
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Db2U (db2u)

Db2 Big SQL

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To use Db2 Big SQL, you must have remote data storage, such as:
  • A Hadoop cluster on Cloudera Data Platform Version 7.1.9
  • Object storage
    Db2 Big SQL supports:
    • IBM Cloud Object Storage
    • Amazon Web Services object storage
    • IBM Storage Scale object storage
    • Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation
The following services are not required but provide additional functionality:
  • Db2 Data Management Console provides:
    • A graphical user interface for SQL execution
    • A runtime monitoring interface
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Db2U (db2u)

Db2 Data Management Console

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Redis (ibm_redis_cp)

Db2 Warehouse

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
The following services are not required but provide additional functionality:
  • Db2 Data Management Console provides:
    • A graphical user interface for SQL execution
    • A runtime monitoring interface
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Db2U (db2u)

Decision Optimization

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must have the following services already installed:
  • Watson Studio
  • Watson Machine Learning

EDB Postgres

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Cloud Native PostgreSQL (postgresql)

Execution Engine for Apache Hadoop

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To use this service, you must have an Execution Engine for Apache Hadoop RPM installation on a Hadoop cluster.

The Hadoop cluster must be in the same network as your IBM Software Hub deployment.

To install this service, you must have the following services already installed:
  • Watson Studio

IBM Knowledge Catalog

Restriction: This service cannot be installed in the same instance of IBM Software Hub as either of the following services:
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog Premium
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog Standard
External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
The service automatically installs the following services if they are not already installed:
  • Analytics Engine powered by Apache Spark
  • Data Refinery
If you choose to install the data quality feature, the service automatically installs the following services if they are not already installed:
  • DataStage Enterprise
The following services are not required but provide additional functionality:
  • Data Privacy
  • IBM Manta Data Lineage
  • MANTA Automated Data Lineage
The service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services
  • Db2 as a service (db2aaservice)
  • Db2U (db2u)
If you enable the relationship explorer and semantic search feature, the service automatically installs one of the following dependencies:
  • Neo4j (ibm_neo4j)

    This dependency is installed by default. However, it is not installed if you set useFDB: true.

  • FoundationDB (opencontent_fdb)

    This dependency is installed only if you set useFDB: true.

IBM Knowledge Catalog Premium

Restriction: This service cannot be installed in the same instance of IBM Software Hub as either of the following services:
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog Standard
External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must install the following software on the cluster:
The service automatically installs the following service:
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog
If you choose to install the data quality feature, the service automatically installs the following services if they are not already installed:
  • DataStage Enterprise
The following services are not required but provide additional functionality:
  • Data Privacy
  • IBM Manta Data Lineage
  • MANTA Automated Data Lineage
If you enable gen AI based features, the following dependency is automatically installed:
  • Inference foundation models (watsonx_ai_ifm)
If you enable the relationship explorer and semantic search feature, the service automatically installs one of the following dependencies:
  • Neo4j (ibm_neo4j)

    This dependency is installed by default. However, it is not installed if you set useFDB: true.

  • FoundationDB (opencontent_fdb)

    This dependency is installed only if you set useFDB: true.

IBM Knowledge Catalog Standard

Restriction: This service cannot be installed in the same instance of IBM Software Hub as either of the following services:
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog Premium
External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must install the following software on the cluster:
The service automatically installs the following service:
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog
The following services are not required but provide additional functionality:
  • IBM Manta Data Lineage
  • MANTA Automated Data Lineage
If you enable gen AI based features, the following dependency is automatically installed:
  • Inference foundation models (watsonx_ai_ifm)
If you enable the relationship explorer and semantic search feature, the service automatically installs one of the following dependencies:
  • Neo4j (ibm_neo4j)

    This dependency is installed by default. However, it is not installed if you set useFDB: true.

  • FoundationDB (opencontent_fdb)

    This dependency is installed only if you set useFDB: true.

IBM Manta Data Lineage

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must have one of the following services already installed:
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog Premium
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog Standard
Important: Ensure that you set enableKnowledgeGraph: True and useFDB: False when you install IBM Knowledge Catalog.

IBM Match 360

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
The following service is not required but provides additional functionality:
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog enables key IBM Match 360 capabilities such as profiling, automapping, data quality workflows, and data governance.

For new installations, this service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:

  • Common core services (ccs)
  • Neo4j (ibm_neo4j)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)
  • RabbitMQ (opencontent_rabbitmq)
  • Redis (opencontent_redis)
For upgrades, this service upgrades the following dependencies to the latest version:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • FoundationDB (fdb_k8s and opencontent_fdb)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)
  • RabbitMQ (opencontent_rabbitmq)
  • Redis (opencontent_redis)

IBM StreamSets

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
None None None


External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
None None
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • informix

MANTA Automated Data Lineage

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must have one of the following services already installed:
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog Premium
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog Standard


External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
None None
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • mongodb


External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
If you want to connect to an external database rather than having OpenPages automatically provision a Db2 database for you, you must have one of the following databases:
  • IBM Db2 on Linux
  • Oracle
The following services are not required but provide additional functionality:
  • AI Factsheets enables you to review machine learning models and related activities as part of enterprise risk and compliance monitoring.
  • Cognos Analytics
  • IBM Knowledge Catalog
  • watsonx Assistant
  • Watson Discovery
  • Watson OpenScale
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Db2 as a service (db2aaservice)
  • Db2U (db2u)
  • RabbitMQ (opencontent_rabbitmq)

Orchestration Pipelines

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
The following services are not required but provide additional nodes when they are installed:
  • DataStage
  • Watson Machine Learning
The service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)

Planning Analytics

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
If you want to use Microsoft Excel, you must have the Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel plug-in.

Product Master

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
If you want to connect to a database outside of IBM Software Hub, it must be an IBM Db2 or Oracle database.
If you want to connect to an integrated database, you must have the following service already installed:
  • Db2

RStudio® Server Runtimes

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must have the following service already installed:
  • Watson Studio

SPSS Modeler

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must have the following services already installed:
  • Watson Studio
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Canvas (canvasbase)

Synthetic Data Generator

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must have the following services already installed:
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Canvas (canvasbase)
  • Common core services (ccs)

Voice Gateway

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must have the following service already installed:
  • Watson Speech to Text
  • Watson Text to Speech
  • watsonx Assistant

Watson Discovery

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must install the following software on the cluster:
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Cloud Native PostgreSQL (postgresql)
  • etcd (opencontent_etcd)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)
  • RabbitMQ (opencontent_rabbitmq)
  • Watson Gateway (watson_gateway)

Watson Machine Learning

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
If you plan to use deep learning or models that require GPUs, you must install the following software on the cluster:
If you plan to use deep learning, you must have the following service already installed:
  • Scheduling service
The service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)

Watson OpenScale

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
If you want to connect to an external database, you must have Db2 Enterprise Server Edition 11.5 or later.
If you want to connect to an integrated database, you must have at least one instance of a supported, integrated database:
  • Db2
  • Db2 Warehouse
  • EDB Postgres

The following services are not required but provide additional functionality. To use the functionality, you must install the services before you install Watson OpenScale:

  • Watson Studio enables you to:
    • Create AutoAI models and Jupyter Notebooks
    • Set up a demo environment where you can quickly tour the Watson OpenScale capabilities
  • Watson Machine Learning enables you to:
    • Create a deployed model that Watson OpenScale can check for bias and drift
    • Automatically log payloads

Watson Speech services

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must install the following software on the cluster:
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Cloud Native PostgreSQL (postgresql)
  • RabbitMQ (opencontent_rabbitmq)
  • Watson Gateway (watson_gateway)

Watson Studio

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
The service automatically installs the following services if they are not already installed:
  • Data Refinery
  • Watson Studio Runtimes
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)

Watson Studio Runtimes

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
If you plan to use runtimes that require GPU, you must install the following software on the cluster:
To install this service, you must have the following service already installed:
  • Watson Studio

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must install the following software on the cluster:

If you install the full service, the service automatically installs the following services if they are not already installed:

  • Watson Studio
  • Watson Machine Learning

The following services are not required but provide additional functionality to

  • watsonx.governance™ enables you to govern your generative AI assets.

If you install the lightweight engine, the service does not install any other services.

If you install the full service, the service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:

  • Common core services (ccs)
  • Inference foundation models (watsonx_ai_ifm)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)
If you install the lightweight engine, the service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Inference foundation models (watsonx_ai_ifm)

watsonx Assistant

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must install the following software on the cluster:

If you plan to use conversational skills or conversational search features, you must install the following software on the cluster:

If you plan to use conversational search, you must install Watson Discovery or Elasticsearch.

If you don't plan to use conversational search, the following services are not required but provide additional functionality:

  • Watson Discovery enables you to add a search skill to your assistant.

This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:

  • Cloud Native PostgreSQL (postgresql)
  • etcd (opencontent_etcd)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)
  • Redis (ibm_redis_cp)
  • Watson data governor (data_governor)
  • Watson Gateway (watson_gateway)

If you enable the GPU features (conversational skills and conversational search), the service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:

  • Common core services (ccs)
  • Inference foundation models (watsonx_ai_ifm)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)

watsonx Code Assistant

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must install the following software on the cluster:
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • Inference foundation models (watsonx_ai_ifm)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)
  • watsonx Code Assistant™ Base (wca_base)

watsonx Code Assistant for Red Hat Ansible Lightspeed

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must install the following software on the cluster:

In addition, you must have a Red Hat Ansible® Lightspeed subscription. For more information, see Red Hat Ansible Lightspeed with IBM watsonx Code Assistant.

The service automatically installs the following services if they are not already installed:
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • Inference foundation models (watsonx_ai_ifm)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)
  • watsonx Code Assistant Base (wca_base)

watsonx Code Assistant for Z

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must install the following software on the cluster:

In addition you must have an external Db2 database.

End users must have Visual Studio Code on their workstations. For more information, see Set up a development environment in the IBM watsonx Code Assistant™ for Z documentation.

This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • Inference foundation models (watsonx_ai_ifm)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)
  • watsonx Code Assistant Base (wca_base)™

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies

If you plan to use indexes in Milvus that require GPUs, you must install the following operators:

The service automatically installs the following services if they are not already installed:
  • Analytics Engine powered by Apache Spark


External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies

The service automatically installs the following services if they are not already installed:

  • Watson Machine Learning

If you want to connect to an integrated database for watsonx.governance Model Management, you must have at least one instance of a supported, integrated database:

  • Db2
  • Db2 Warehouse
  • EDB Postgres
The following services are not required but provide additional functionality:
  • Cognos Analytics enables you to generate reports and create dashboards.
  • enables you to build and deploy generative AI assets.
This service automatically installs the following dependencies if they are not already installed:
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • Db2 as a service (db2aaservice)
  • Db2U (db2u)
  • Inference foundation models (watsonx_ai_ifm)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)
  • RabbitMQ (opencontent_rabbitmq)

watsonx Orchestrate

External dependencies Service dependencies Component dependencies
To install this service, you must install the following software on the cluster:

You can optionally install IBM Robotic Process Automation if you want to run Robotic Process Automation bots as skills in watsonx™ Orchestrate. For more information, see Installing IBM Robotic Process Automation.

This service automatically installs the following service:
  • watsonx Assistant
  • Cloud Native PostgreSQL (postgresql)
  • Common core services (ccs)
  • etcd (opencontent_etcd)
  • Inference foundation models (watsonx_ai_ifm)
  • MinIO (opencontent_minio)
  • OpenSearch (opencontent_elasticsearch)
  • RabbitMQ (opencontent_rabbitmq)
  • Redis (ibm_redis_cp)
  • Watson data governor (data_governor)
  • Watson Gateway (watson_gateway)

External dependencies for services

This section provides more information about external dependencies that are installed on the cluster and that are used by multiple services. Install the software only if you plan to install a service with a dependency on the software.

Node Feature Discovery Operator

The version of the Node Feature Discovery Operator that you install depends on the version of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform that you are running.

Install the stable version of the operator.

For more information, see:


The version of the NVIDIA GPU Operator that you install depends on the version of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform that you are running.

Install the generally available version of the operator.

For more information, see:

Red Hat OpenShift AI

The version of Red Hat OpenShift AI that you install depends on the version of IBM Software Hub that you plan to install:

Release Red Hat OpenShift AI
5.1.0 (December 2024) Version 2.13

For more information, see Installing Red Hat OpenShift AI.

Multicloud Object Gateway

The version of Multicloud Object Gateway that you install depends on the version of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform that you are running.

Review Installing and setting up Multicloud Object Gateway to determine whether you need to install Multicloud Object Gateway.

Red Hat OpenShift Serverless Knative Eventing

The version of Red Hat OpenShift Serverless Knative Eventing that you install depends on the version of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform that you are running.

For more information, see:

IBM App Connect in containers

The version of IBM App Connect in containers that you install depends on the version of IBM Software Hub that you plan to install:
Release IBM App Connect in containers
5.1.0 (December 2024) 12.5.0

For more information, see Installing IBM App Connect in containers.

Supported web browsers

You can use the following web browsers to access the IBM Software Hub web client.

  • Mozilla Firefox (recommended)
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge

It is recommended that you use the latest available version or the latest version approved by your enterprise.