What is zero configuration networking?

Zero configuration networking allows you to automatically create a network of devices without having to manually configure a DHCP server, DNS services, or network settings for each device that you want to connect to that network.

For Firmware version 4.1 (or newer), you can use zero configuration networking applications to configure network settings for the Network IPS system.

How zero configuration networking works with the Network IPS system

Zero configuration networking is based on the following three elements:
  • Automatic IP address selection for networked devices (which eliminates the need to configure a DHCP server)

    If the Network IPS system does not have an IP address assigned to it, then zero configuration networking uses link-local addressing to create an IP address in a range from to When an IP address is chosen, the link-local process sends out a query with that IP address onto the network to see if the IP address is already in use. If there is no response, the IP address is then assigned to the Network IPS system.

  • Automatic domain name resolution and distribution of computer host names (which eliminates the need to configure a DNS server)

    Zero configuration networking implements multicast DNS (mDNS). mDNS allows the Network IPS system to select a domain name in the local namespace and then broadcast that name using a special multicast IP address, allowing other devices on the network to connect to it by name instead of by numbered IP address.

  • Automatic location of network services through DNS service discovery (which eliminates the need for you to set up a directory server)

    Zero configuration networking enables the Network IPS system to use standard DNS queries to discover devices registered on the network that are broadcasting the services that they provide.

Zero configuration networking applications

You can use the following zero configuration networking applications with this release of the Network IPS system: