What's new and changed in IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center Version 10.2 Fix Pack 14

The following topics summarize the new and changed behavior in IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center (LSF Application Center) 10.2 Fix Pack 14.

Download location

Download this Fix Pack from IBM Fix Central. For more information, see Getting fixes from IBM Fix Central.

LSF root privileges

To enable root privileges on hosts for LSF Application Center, you must specify a space-separated list of hosts for the LSF_ADDON_HOSTS parameter in the lsf.conf file. The root users on these specified hosts can then execute commands remotely.

For more information, see LSF_ADDON_HOSTS and Security.

Support for previous LSF versions

To ensure that LSF Application Center10.2 Fix Pack 14 works properly with LSF and previous versions, you must configure the following parameters in the lsf.conf file:

Operating system and browser versions

As of Fix Pack 14, you can use LSF Application Center on various operating system. For details, see System requirements for IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center Version 10.2 Fix Pack 14. Here are the highlights:
  • RHEL 8.7, 8.8, and 9.x are newly supported or certified for Linux x64 kernel and Linux kernel on IBM Power LE.
  • SUSE Linux® Enterprise Server:
    • SLES 15.4 is newly certified
    • SLES) 11.x is no longer supported. You can continue to use other supported versions of SLES.
  • Ubuntu:
    • Ubuntu 20.04 is newly certified for Linux kernel on IBM Power LE.
    • Ubuntu 14.x is no longer supported. You can continue to use other supported versions of Ubuntu.
  • Windows 10 and 11 newly certified for IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center Desktop Client

As of Fix Pack 14, you can use LSF Application Center on upgraded browsers. For details, see System requirements for IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center Version 10.2 Fix Pack 14.

Upgraded software included with LSF Application Center

LSF Application Center includes various software, required for LSF Application Center components, as applicable for each operating system. This software is included with the LSF Application Center installation. To proactively address known security vulnerabilities, LSF Application Center 10.2 Fix Pack 14 upgraded the following software to ensure a secure environment:
Software name Software version in Fix Pack 14 Previous software version
IBM J9 JRE 8.0-8.0(8u361) 8.0-3.10
IBM WebSphere Liberty
Commons-fileupload 1.5 1.3.3
Commons-io 2.11.0 2.6
Cxf 3.5.5 3.1.14
hibernate-core 5.3.28.Final 5.3.7.Final
Jackson Databind 2.14.0 2.13.3
Jettison 1.5.4 1.5.1
Spring Framework 5.3.27 5.3.19
Stax2-api 4.2.1 3.1.4

List of fixes

LSF Application Center 10.2 Fix Pack 14 resolves the following reported issues:
Fix ID Description
P104827 Administrator cannot use the ws/jobs/basicinfo?id=%d RESTful API to query user jobs
P104851 Dashboard issue sometime showing host as unlicensed.
P104809 Workload page not reflecting queue configuration changes.
P104711 Folders not showing up when using a file type filter in the file selector dialog.
Internal-317 Potential escalation of privilege by preventing root user from being used in job flows.
Internal-364 Replace legacy rc script with systemd service in.