3. Configure the IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center web server


  1. Create a shared directory with the name eod_client_conn on the IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center web server and set permissions so that all of the Platform LSF® users have read and write permissions on that directory.
    # mkdir -p $GUI_CONFDIR/../3.0/wlp/usr/servers/platform/apps/platform.war/pac/exceed/eod_client_conn
    # chmod –R 777 $GUI_CONFDIR/../3.0/wlp/usr/servers/platform/apps/platform.war/pac/exceed/eod_client_conn
  2. Modify the file ${GUI_CONFDIR}/application/exceed/CONFIG_GLOBAL_ENV and set the EOD_SERVER_DIR.

    For example:

    #EOD_SERVER_DIR     /opt/Exceed_Connection_Server_13.8_64