Known issues and limitations

Known Issues in Fix Pack 10

The following issues are seen in Fix Pack 10:

The Login page is inaccessible on Edge and Chrome browsers when HTTPS is enabled

The user receives a message in the browser such as:

Your connection isn't private. Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID

Known Issues in Fix Pack 9

The following issues are seen in Fix Pack 9:

After upgrade from Fix Pack 8 to Fix Pack 9, a flow USER might be incorrect to historic data in workload list

In Fix Pack 9, querying flows for a workload list uses the FLOW_INSTANCES table (not the API). However, FLOW_INSTANCES misses some data, such as flow submitter. This is because the flow submitter was changed to flow owner in Fix Pack 9.

To resolve this issue, reload the historic flow logs to fill correct data to the FLOW_INSTANCES table:

  1. Log on to LSF Application Center server as root.
  2. Stop the perf service:

    perfadmin stop all

  3. Remove $PERF_WORKDIR/jshistory.tmp
  4. Log on to MySQL/MariaDB as the root database user.

    For example:

    mysql -u root -p $rootpassword

  5. Backup the existing FLOW_INSTANCES table and clear the data.

    For example, use LSF Application Center to enter:

  6. Start the perf service:

    perfadmin start all

  7. Check the Workload list. It may take some time to load depending on the number of items in the history.

IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center SDK disabled by default

As of version 10.2 Fix Pack 9, the IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center SDK is disabled by default. To enable the SDK, define ENABLE_AC_SDK=Y in the pmc.conf configuration file.

Degraded performance on IE 11 with FP9 and FP8

The following functions see poor performance on Internet Explorer (IE) 11 browsers:

  • Accessing template list
  • Accessing submission form
  • Using submission form to submit jobs
  • Loading Job list
  • Navigation

It is recommend that those customers using IE11 move to Microsoft Edge or another browser. Fix Pack 9 is the last fix pack available for IE.

Desktop Client requires Notifications enabled to download results

Users are unable to download results from IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center Desktop Client without enabling notifications.

Need to inform user to enable "Workload ends" notification if they select to 'Automatically download job data to local directory'

When a user selects Download data to local directory in the Desktop Client, the data is not downloaded since it relies on a Notification trigger to download data. Therefore, the user is informed during job submission to enable "Workload ends" notification.

Known Issues in Fix Pack 8

The following issues are seen in Fix Pack 8:

Manual configuration required for RHEL 8 with Python

Before installing, make sure you have a symbolic link (/usr/bin/python) to the currently installed python.

For example: Change /usr/bin/python to python3.

Note: This issue is not applicable to 10.2 Fix Pack 9 and later.

Previous requests for workload state changes are not preserved after upgrading

If a workload (job state) was changed just before upgrading to Fix Pack 8, the record will not be preserved after the upgrade.

"Job start" notification for short running jobs may not be delivered

The "start" notification may not be delivered right after PERF startup (or failover).

Modification to Liberty jvm.option

If you are upgrading to LSF Application Center Fix Pack 8 from an older version, you must manually modify the jvm.option in Websphere Liberty after upgrading to remove :
  • Ddefault.executor.coreThreads=32
  • Ddefault.executor.maxThreads=64
If not removed, a LSF Application Center Server under a heavy workload might hang.

Known Issues in Fix Pack 7

The following issues are seen in Fix Pack 7:

Workload list cannot display all columns

When LSF Application Center is deployed in a high availability environment, setting "Display all column" for the Workload list will give an error: Request-URI Too Large 414 Request-URI Too Large

This occurs because IBM HTTP Server limits the size of the HTTP request header allowed from the client. By default the parameter LimitRequestFieldSize sets the request length at 8190 bytes. The limit can be changed by adding the parameters LimitRequestLine 16384 and LimitRequestFieldSize 16384 to HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf. For more details see,, and

Some pop-up page issues with IE 11

Strict security settings in IE version 11 may cause issues with pop-up pages opening as blank or they may appear in new tabs or behind windows.

For more information and suggested workarounds, refer to

Desktop client does not receive notifications from a rerun

When a job is "rerun", LSF Application Center Desktop client will not receive notifications on the job.

Application Center host must be accessible to (browser or desktop) client host using its official name

The LSF Application Center host must be accessible using its official name by client machines. That is, the official host name is resolved using the default method for your system (for example, local configuration files like /etc/hosts or through DNS). The official host name will often be the fully qualified host name.

Must specify parameters if using to register a job

If notification is not enabled for a user, then using to register the job for notifications requires specification of the NOTIFY_EVENTS and NOTIFY_CHANNELS parameters. Otherwise, the job will not be registered for notification.

For example:

Notification setting is disabled for the currently logged in user. The following API will not register the job for notifications: notification -r 331

It is required to specify NOTIFY_EVENTS and NOTIFY_CHANNELS like the following: notification -r 330 -p 'NOTIFY_EVENTS=START;NOTIFY_CHANNELS=BROWSER'

Large number of flow instances and active normal jobs will slow loading of the Workload list

When LSF Process Manager is enabled, LSF Application Center will display normal LSF jobs and LSF Process Manager flow instances in the Workload list. LSF Process Manager will cache flow instances for a long period. When the number of flow instances in LSF Process Manager reaches 20,000 and the number of normal active jobs reaches 200,000, the Workload list page will respond slowly. In this case, it is recommended to configure a reduced flow caching period in LSF Process Manager.

Known Issues in Fix Pack 6

The following issues are seen in Fix Pack 6:

External web link cannot use X-Frame options

LSF Application Center cannot use an external web page as a custom link when the external web page has the 'X-Frame-Options' setting in the header response.

Windows: No backslash with -cwd option in submission forms

Windows only: When using submission forms, use only a slash (/) instead of backslash (\) in the file path for the -cwd option.

Flow draft test run may not work in HA environment

In High Availability mode, a flow draft test run might not work because /opt/ibm/lsfsuite/ext/pm_data is not shared between LSF Application Center instances. As a workaround, manually create symbolic link for each LSF Application Center instance:

Change /opt/ibm/lsfsuite/ext/pm_data to <SHARE_LOCATION>/pm_data

Known issues in 10.2

The following issues are seen in version 10.2:

Features that are no longer supported

The following features are no longer supported in Version 10.2:

  • PERF reports: Use LSF Explorer instead.
  • IBM Spectrum LSF License Scheduler user interface
  • LSF scheduling chart
  • Dashboard Rack view
  • Integration with Exceed on demand

In addition, Version 10.2 no longer supports Red Hat Linux x86_64 5.6, 6.4, and 6.5.

SSO with SAML login might fail if the clocks for Tivoli Federated Identity Manager and LSF Application Center are not synchronized

Attempting to log in as a single sign-on (SSO) with Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) might fail with the following message:

org.opensaml.common.SAMLException: Response issue time is either too old or with date in the future,

To resolve this issue, synchronize the clocks for Tivoli Federated Identity Manager, which is the Identity Provider (IdP) and LSF Application Center, which is the Service Provider (SP).

Desktop client cannot view job details when SSO with SAML is enabled

If single sign-on (SSO) with Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is enabled in LSF Application Center, you cannot view job details when using the desktop client. If you click a job to view its details, the browser window displays the LSF Application Center login page instead.

To work around this issue, use other clients (such as the web browser, Web Services, or the mobile client) to view job details.

Timed out or killed sessions in SSO with SAML must log in again

If single sign-on with Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is enabled in LSF Application Center and either the login session times out or the LSF Application Center server restarts while you are logged in using a web browser, you need to log in to LSF Application Center again.

To work around this issue, restart the web browser.

LSF Application Center does not show job pending reasons

By default, LSF Application Center does not show the job pending reason.

This is because the ENABLE_DYNAMIC_JOB_ATTRIBUTES parameter is set to N in the pmc.conf file by default.

To resolve this issue, set ENABLE_DYNAMIC_JOB_ATTRIBUTES=Y in the pmc.conf file and restart LSF Application Center.

Write permissions to the draft folder

The user accounts for all the LSF Application Center administrators must have write permissions to the folder /opt/ibm/lsfsuite/ext/gui/conf/application/draft.

It is possible for the original LSF Application Center administrator assign the administrator role to other users. In this case, the other administrators might not be able to edit template icons if these users do not have write permissions to the /opt/ibm/lsfsuite/ext/gui/conf/application/draft folder.