Stopping a running flow at a specific point by putting a job on hold
In some cases, you may want to stop a flow at a specific point so that you can fix problems. You can do this by putting a job in the flow on hold.
About this task
When you put a job in the flow on hold:
The job receives the status On Hold. The status of the flow is not affected.
The flow pauses at that specific job.
Only the branch of the flow that contains the job that is On Hold pauses. Other branches of the flow continue to run.
Only jobs in the Waiting state can be put on hold. When desired, you can then release the job that you have put on hold. The flow instance continues to run and the job receives the status Waiting.
The job must be one of the following types of work items:
Job array
Job script
Job script array
Job-based submission form
Flow-based submission form
Flow array
Local job
If the selected job is in a flow array, by default the hold applies to the job in the element the job is in. You can, alternatively, apply the hold to jobs in all elements in the flow array.
Only users who own the flow, the Process Manager administrator, or Process Manager control administrator can hold and release LSF® jobs, job submission scripts, local jobs, job arrays, and job array scripts.
- Select Modify. , select the flow from the list and click
- In the Flow Editor, select the job or job array, right-click, and select .