customJobColumn.xml Reference

Configuration file to add custom columns to the Jobs page. You can validate against the XSD file $GUI_CONFDIR/customJobColumn.xsd.

File Format

<JobColumnGroup id="customColumn" name="">          
  <JobColumn id="myid">              
    <Command type="CLI">.../Command>
    <Tooltip>... </Tooltip>       
    <InputParams> KEYWORD;KEYWORD;KEYWORD; </InputParams>          
  <JobColumn id="myid2">              
    <Command type="CLI">.../Command>
    <Tooltip>... </Tooltip>       
    <InputParams> KEYWORD;KEYWORD; </InputParams>          


<?xml version=<i>"1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
<JobColumnConf xmlns:xsi =""
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation ="customJobColumn.xsd">  
 <JobColumnGroup id="customColumn" name="CustomColumn"> 
   <JobColumn id="concatenate">
     <Command type="CLI">$GUI_CONFDIR/application/</Command> 
     <ColumnName>CONCATENATE MEM PRI</ColumnName>      
     <Tooltip>Concatenate memory and priority</Tooltip>      
     <InputParams>MEMORY;PRIORITY </InputParams>   


Required. Defines the new custom column. There is one JobColumn element per new column.


Name Description Required
id ID of the new column. This ID must be unique, alphanumeric, and a maximum of 32 characters.

If multiple entries with the same ID are defined, IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center uses the first one defined and ignores any subsequent ones.

Some IDs are reserved for system use. If a reserved ID is used, an error message is displayed in the Workload page.

The following are reserved IDs for system use. Do not use them as your column IDs:

activeGraphicJob           jobNotification
app                        jobStatus
appTemplateType            jobType
appType                    jobUniqId
askedHosts                 mem
command                    name
cwd                        nthreads
deleteTime                 numProcessors
description                outfile
done                       path
endTime                    pathAlias
estimatedRunTime           pend
execCwd                    pgid
exHosts                    pid
exited                     priority
extStatus                  projectName
fromHost                   queue
fromOwnFlowDefinition      remainingTime
graphicJob                 run
hasControlPermission       runTime
id	                         startTime
indexId                    status
infile                     submitTime
jobGroup                   susp
jobId                      swap
jobName                    type


Required. Path to the script file to run to retrieve a value to populate the custom column.

The script name must be named according to UNIX file and path naming conventions.

The script can be any executable as long as it meets the required input and output.

The directory in which the script is located can be any directory accessible by the web server.

All users who will be viewing the Workload page require Read and Execute permission to the directory in which the script is located. The script runs as the user who is logged on and viewing the Jobs page.


Name Description Required
type Must always be set to type CLI. Yes



Name of the column as it will be displayed in IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center in the Workload page. The name of the column must be alphanumeric with a maximum of 32 characters. Dashes ( - ) and underscores( _ ) are allowed.



Descriptive text to be displayed about the column when the user hovers on the column name. The maximum number of characters is 250.

You cannot use the special characters < > / inside the tooltip. If you need to use these characters, you must encrypt the tooltip.



Values to be passed to your command script as input parameters. You specify predefined keywords and Platform Application Center passes the actual values of the keywords to your command script.

Important: Keywords must be specified in capital letters and must also be used in your script in capital letters.

Separate multiple keywords with a semi-colon( ; ).

Valid keywords:

Keyword Description
APPLICATION_TYPE Name of submission template used to submit the job.
COMMAND The job command specified during job submission.
CONSOLE_SUPPORT Indicates whether the job was submitted with remote console support enabled.
CURRENT_WORKING_DIRECTORY The current working directory on the submission host.
ENDED_TIME For done or exited jobs: when the job finished. For running jobs, when the job is estimated to finish. Calculated as Current® time + Time Remaining.
ESTIMATED_RUN_TIME Estimated running time for the job specified by the user during job submission, with the LSF® command bsub -We.
EXECUTION_HOST The name of one or more hosts on which the job is running.
EXECUTION_WORKING_DIRECTORY Current working directory where job is running.
EXTERNAL_STATUS External status information for a job, specified with the LSF command bpost -d.
INPUT_FILE Input files specified during job submission.
JOB_DESCRIPTION The job description assigned to the job during job submission. For flows, this is the description specified with the input variable JS_FLOW_DESCRIPTION.
JOB_DIRECTORY Directory in which input and output files are located.
JOB_ID The job ID that LSF assigned to the job.
JOB_NAME Name of job specified during job submission.
JOB_NOTIFICATION Indicates whether the job was submitted with notification for job status changes enabled.
JOB_STATUS Current status of job.
JOB_TYPE Type of workload. Possible values: are job, job array, or flow.
MEMORY Total resident memory usage in MB, of all processes in a job. For host-based resource usage, the total resident memory usage of all processes in a job running on a host.
OUTPUT_FILE Output files created by the job.
PENDING_REASON The reason the job is in the Pending state.
PRIORITY Priority specified for the job during job submission.
PROCESS_GROUP_ID Currently active process group ID in a job.
PROCESS_ID Currently active processes in a job.
PROFILE_NAME The application profile the job was submitted to.
PURGE_TIME Date and time job data was automatically purged by the system.
PROJECT_NAME The project the job was submitted from.
QUEUE The name of the job queue to which the job was submitted.
REMAINING_TIME Time remaining to complete the job. Calculated as Estimated Runtime – Runtime. Available only for jobs submitted with an estimated runtime with the LSF command bsub -We.
REQUESTED_HOST All the resource requirement strings you specified during job submission.
REQUIRED_PROCESSOR_NUMBER Number of processors specified as required to run the job during job submission.
RUN_TIME How long the job has been running.
STARTED_TIME When the job started running.
SUBMISSION_HOST Host from which the job was submitted.
SUBMISSION_USER The user who submitted the job.
SUBMITTED_TIME When the job was sent to the system.
SWAP Total virtual memory usage in MB, of all processes in a job. For host-based resource usage, the total virtual memory usage of all processes in a job running on a host.
THREAD_NUMBER Number of currently active threads of a job.