Starting IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center

Start IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center with the commands perfadmin start all and pmcadmin start.

Before you begin

Note: If you installed IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center with High Availability, start IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center on all IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center servers.
Note: The following procedure assumes you have root access to the IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center server. If you do not have root access, you can also start perf services with the perf.conf owner, which is usually the IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center primary admin.


  1. As root, set your IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center environment:

    For example:

    • For csh or tcsh:
      % source /opt/ibm/lsfsuite/ext/cshrc.platform
    • For sh, ksh, or bash:
      $ . /opt/ibm/lsfsuite/ext/profile.platform
  2. Start IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center services.
    perfadmin start all
    pmcadmin start
  3. Check that services started.
    perfadmin list
    pmcadmin list

    You can see the WEBGUI, plc, purger, and PNC services started.

  4. Log in to IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center.

    Browse to the web server URL and log in to the IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center with the IBM Spectrum LSF administrator name and password.

    When HTTPS is enabled, you need to import the cacert.pem certificate into your browser. For instructions, refer to Importing the cacert.pem certificate into the client browser.

    When HTTPS is enabled, the web server URL is:
    • https://host_name:8443/

    The host name is the IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center host that you specified.