1. Configure IBM Spectrum LSF for DCV for Linux

Add the resource dcv_linux to the $LSF_ENVDIR/lsf.shared and $LSF_ENVDIR/lsf.cluster files.


  1. Log on to the LSF® management host as the LSF administrator.
  2. Set your LSF environment.

    For csh or tcsh:

    % source LSF_TOP/conf/cshrc.lsf

    For sh, ksh, or bash:

    $ . LSF_TOP/conf/profile.lsf

  3. Edit the file $LSF_ENVDIR/lsf.shared and add the resource dcv_linux:
    Begin Resource
    dcv_linux      Boolean ()       ()          (dcv_linux resource type)
    End Resource
  4. Edit the file $LSF_ENVDIR/lsf.cluster and add the dcv_linux resource to each LSF server host (application host).

    For example, your application hosts are dcv_vm1 and dcv_vm2:

    Begin   Host
    HOSTNAME  model    type        server r1m  mem  swp  RESOURCES   #Keywords
    dcv_vm1   !   !   1   3.5   ()   ()   (dcv_linux)
    dcv_vm2   !   !   1   3.5   ()   ()   (dcv_linux)
    End Host
  5. Configure LSF so that each LSF server host (application host) only has 1 job slot. Complete this step only if LSF server hosts (application hosts) have more than 1 CPU.

    This is required so that only one application can run at the same time on the host and DCV works properly.

    Edit the file $LSF_ENVDIR/lsb.hosts and set MXJ to 1 for each LSF server host.

  6. Run the lsadmin reconfig and badmin reconfig commands to make your changes take effect.