Installing IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center instances with high availability

Use these instructions to install multiple IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center instances and enable high availability.

Before you begin

  • See Prepare to install IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center
  • Select a minimum of two hosts on which to install IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center. The hosts must have access to the IBM Spectrum LSF environment and must be IBM Spectrum LSF client or IBM Spectrum LSF server hosts. For example, hostA and hostB.
  • Select a different host on which to install the database.
Manually check the following items:
  • The intended server host must meet the IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center system and software requirements.
  • The clock time on both the IBM Spectrum LSF management host and the IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center web server must be the same. Ensure times are synchronized.
  • No previous installations of IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center on your host.
  • The database is properly configured and running.
  • Make sure that you have root privileges to install IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center.
  • Select two or more IBM Spectrum LSF client or server hosts that can access the directories that are specified by the environment variables $LSF_ENVDIR, $LSF_SERVERDIR, $LSB_SHAREDIR.
  • Configure a shared filesystem for the hosts you selected. The shared disk is used to store configuration files and the work directory.
  • On the shared filesystem:
    • Ensure a uniform access path from each host.
    • Make sure that the root user has permission on the shared file system.
  • Check that the remote database is accessible from each selected host.


  1. As root, log on to the first host you selected as your IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center server.

    For example, hostA.

  2. Extract the IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center package that you downloaded to a shared file system and go to that directory.

    For example:

    tar -xzvf pac10.2_standard_linux-x64.tar.Z
    cd pac10.2_standard_linux-x64
  3. Edit the file to set your installation parameters.
    • The following are required parameters to install IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center with High Availability:
      • LSF_ENVDIR
      • USE_REMOTE_DB="Y"

    For best performance, specify a local path for the parameter INSTALLATION_TOP. The default installation directory is the local directory /opt/ibm/lsfsuite/ext.

  4. Run the script to set your environment variables and run RPM.
    # ./
  5. Check that all files have been installed.
    # cd /opt/ibm/lsfsuite/ext
    # ls -l
    total 48
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 lsfadmin lsf    128 Jun  2 20:33 cshrc.platform
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root     root  4096 Jun  2 20:30 docs
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root     root  4096 Jun  2 20:31 gui
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 root     root 10437 Jun  2 20:34 install.log
    drwxrwxr-x 3 root     root  4096 Jun  2 20:31 jre
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root     root  4096 Jun  2 20:29 LA
    drwxr-xr-x 9 root     root  4096 Jun  2 20:34 perf
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 lsfadmin lsf    191 Jun  2 20:33 profile.platform
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root     root  4096 Jun  2 20:30 properties
    drwxr-xr-x 6 root     root  4096 Jun  2 20:33 rule-engine

    You can also check the installation log file install.log created in the same directory as IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center was installed, such as the directory /opt/ibm/lsfsuite/ext.

  6. Set your IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center environment:

    For example:

    • For csh or tcsh:
      % source /opt/ibm/lsfsuite/ext/cshrc.platform
    • For sh, ksh, or bash:
      $ . /opt/ibm/lsfsuite/ext/profile.platform
  7. Enable the command setrc for IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center so that services start automatically at host startup.

  8. Log on to the other hosts that you selected to be IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center servers and repeat steps 4 - 6 on these hosts.

    The installation location that was specified with the parameter INSTALLATION_TOP must be the same on all hosts.

What to do next

  1. Install and configure the IBM HTTP Server, following Installing and configuring IBM HTTP Server.
  2. Customize and configure your database, following Configuring the database.
  3. If HTTPS is required, follow Enable HTTPS when IBM HTTP Server high availability is configured in IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center.
  4. For browser access, ensure each client browser connecting to IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center imports the cacert.pem certificate, following Importing the cacert.pem certificate into the client browser.
  5. To log in to IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center, follow Starting IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center.