Workflow API

Use the workflow API for custom code that can be called from a workflow process as a custom Java™ application or a JavaScript function. This custom code can then do special business logic, query external data stores, or provide integration with other workflow engines.

The Workflow API consists of a set of Java classes. The classes abstract the more commonly used concepts of the workflow environment, such as processes, activities, and relevant data.

The Workflow API supports new access request types. The access owner is a participant type.

The Workflow API provides methods for updating the recertification state and provides audit information for recertification. Audit records contain information about the recertification configuration and the who, what, and when of recertification tasks. These audits provide more useful reports about recertification compliance of users, accounts, and accesses. Consumers of the recertification policies can also have their recertification process audited in a reportable way.