Manage Access Request Workflows
Use this page to create, change, or delete access request workflows.
- Search information
- Type information about the search. If you do not type a value in this field, or if you type an asterisk (*) and click Search, the entire list of search results is displayed if the number of results does not exceed the search limit.
- Search by
- Select the search category.
- Workflow searches for workflow names or descriptions that contain the text that is entered in the Search information field.
- Access searches for workflows that specify accesses that have an access name or description that contains the text that is entered in the Search information field.
- Access Request Workflows table
- Lists the workflows matching the specified search criteria. To sort the table by a specific column, click the arrow in the column heading. The table contains these columns:
- Select
- Specifies a workflow. To select one or more workflows, select the check box adjacent to the workflow. To select all workflows, select the check box for the entire column.
- Workflow Name
- Identifies the name of the workflow. Click the name to view or change the workflow.
- Description
- Provides a brief description of the workflow.
- Business Unit
- Identifies the business unit that is associated with the workflow. Click the link for more information about the business unit.
- Service Type
- Identifies the name of the type of service to which the workflow applies. A value of *All means that the workflow applies to all service types. This column header changes dynamically, depending on the workflow type.
- Access Names
- Identifies the name of the accesses that are entitled by the workflow. This column header changes dynamically, depending on the workflow type.
If the table contains multiple pages, you can:
- Click the arrow to go to the next page.
- Type the number of the page that you want to view and click Go.
these buttons:
- Create
- Click to create a new workflow.
- Change
- Click to change the selected workflow.
- Delete
- Click to delete one or more selected workflows.