You can use the Workflow Notification Properties page
to manually add information about canceling a request to the email
notification template. When you install the IBM Verify Identity Governance Fix Pack, the email notification template content that includes information
about canceling a request is not automatically applied. The template
changes that are available with Fix Pack are not automatically
applied so that the installation process does not overwrite any custom
changes that you might have made to the email templates.
Before you begin
Depending on how your system administrator customized your system, you might not
have access to this task. To obtain access to this task or to have someone complete it for you,
contact your system administrator.
- From the navigation tree, select .
- On the Workflow Notification Properties page,
in the E-mail Notification Templates table,
select Process Completion Template. Then, click Change.
- In the Notification Template page,
modify the Plaintext body field by adding this
code to the end of the existing code:
<JS> if (process.canceledBy != null) { '<RE key="CanceledBy"/>: ' + process.canceledBy; }</JS>
<JS> if (process.canceledBy != null) { '<RE key="DateCanceled"/>: '; }</JS> <RE key="readOnlyDateFormat"><PARM>
<JS> if (process.canceledDate != null) return process.canceledDate.getTime(); else return '';</JS></PARM></RE>
<JS> if (process.canceledBy != null) { '<RE key="CanceledReason"/>:
<JS> (process.canceledJustification == null)? '': process.canceledJustification;</JS>'; }</JS>
- In the Notification Template page,
modify the XHTML body field by adding this
code inside the table:
<tr align="left" valign="middle"><td class="text-description" bgcolor="EBEDF3"><RE key="CanceledBy"/>:</td><td width="773" class="text-description" bgcolor="white"><JS>process.canceledBy;</JS></td></tr>
<tr align="left" valign="middle"><td class="text-description" bgcolor="EBEDF3"><RE key="DateCanceled"/>:</td><td width="773" class="text-description" bgcolor="white"><RE key="readOnlyDateFormat"><PARM><JS>if (process.canceledDate != null) return process.canceledDate.getTime(); else return '';</JS></PARM></RE></td></tr>
<tr align="left" valign="middle"><td class="text-description" bgcolor="EBEDF3"><RE key="CanceledReason"/>:</td><td width="773" class="text-description" bgcolor="white"><JS>process.canceledJustification;</JS></td></tr>
<tr align="left" valign="middle"><td class="text-description" bgcolor="EBEDF3">
<RE key="CanceledBy"/>:</td><td width="773" class="text-description" bgcolor="white">
<tr align="left" valign="middle"><td class="text-description" bgcolor="EBEDF3">
<RE key="DateCanceled"/>:</td><td width="773" class="text-description" bgcolor="white">
<RE key="readOnlyDateFormat"><PARM>
<JS>if (process.canceledDate != null) return process.canceledDate.getTime();
else return '';</JS>
<tr align="left" valign="middle"><td class="text-description" bgcolor="EBEDF3">
<RE key="CanceledReason"/>:</td><td width="773" class="text-description" bgcolor="white">
the new code inside the table between these two sets of existing code:
<pre><JS>Enrole.localize(process.resultDetail, "$LOCALE");</JS></pre></td></tr>
<!-- End Of Notification body -->
- To save the changes, click OK.
- On the Workflow Notification Properties page,
click OK.
- On the Success page, click Close.