Recertification default messages

IBM Verify Identity Governance provides default message templates for recertification messages.

Default recertification templates

IBM Verify Identity Governance provides default message templates for recertification messages. You cannot change the following templates:

Suspend Account
Provides default text that requests a participant to recertify use of an account. Declining the request suspends the account.
For example, the participant receives this message:
Recertification required for account myaccount on service shortword-linux
	You have received a recertificaton request for account myaccount on service 
	shortword-linux owned by firstname lastname.

	Rejection of this recertification request will result in the suspension of 
	account myaccount on shortword-linux.

	Activity:Recertification of Account/Access
	Date submitted:Apr 26, 2007 10:34:51 IST
	Request type:Recertification
	Requested for:firstname lastname
	Requested by:SYSTEM

	Due date:Apr 27, 2007 10:34:57 IST
Delete Account
Provides default text that requests a participant to recertify use of an account. Declining the request deletes the account.
For example, the participant receives this message:
Recertification required for account myaccount on service shortword-linux
	You have received a recertificaton request for account myaccount
	on service shortword-linux owned by firstname lastname.

	Rejection of this recertification request will result in the deletion
	of account myaccount on shortword-linux.

	Activity:Recertification of Account/Access
	Date submitted:Apr 26, 2007 10:34:51 IST
	Request type:Recertification
	Requested for:firstname lastname
	Requested by:SYSTEM
	Due date:Apr 27, 2007 10:34:57 IST
Mark Account
Provides default text that is sent to a participant to recertify use of an account. Declining the request marks the account for a subsequent action on the account.
For example, the participant receives this message:
Recertification required for account myaccount on 
	service shortword-linux.
	You have received a recertificaton request for account myaccount on service 
	shortword-linux owned by firstname lastname.
	Rejection of this recertification request will result in 
	account myaccount on shortword-linux being marked as rejected 
	for recertification.
	Activity:Recertification of Account/Access
	Date submitted:Apr 26, 2007 10:34:51 IST
	Request type:Recertification
	Requested for:firstname lastname
	Requested by:SYSTEM
	Due date:Apr 27, 2007 10:34:57 IST
Mark Access
Provides default text that is sent to a participant to recertify use of an account on an access. Declining the request marks the access for a subsequent action on the account.
For example, the participant receives this message:
Recertification required for account myaccount on access myaccess.
	You have received a recertificaton request for account myaccount on 
	access myaccess owned by firstname lastname.
	Rejection of this recertification request will result in 
	access myaccess being marked as rejected for recertification.
	Date submitted:Apr 26, 2007 10:34:51 IST     /* Need to fill this data */
	Request type:
	Requested for:
	Requested by:
	Due date:Apr 27, 2007 10:34:57 IST
Delete Access
Provides default text that requests a participant to recertify use of an account on an access. Declining the request deletes the account on the access.
For example, the participant receives this message:
Recertification required for account myaccount on access myaccess.
	You have received a recertificaton request for account myaccount on 
	access myaccess owned by firstname lastname.
	Rejection of this recertification request will result in the deletion 
	of access myaccess.
	Date submitted:Apr 26, 2007 10:34:51 IST    /* Need to fill this data */
	Request type:
	Requested for:
	Requested by:
	Due date:Apr 27, 2007 10:34:57 IST
Account Suspended
Provides default text that is sent to a participant, confirming suspension of an account, after a participant declines a recertification request.
For example, the participant receives this message:
Account myaccount on service shortword-linux has been suspended due
  to rejection 	of a recertification request

	The account myaccount on service shortword-linux owned by 
	firstname lastname has been suspended due to rejection of 
	a recertification request.
	Activity:Recertification of Account/Access
	Date submitted:Apr 26, 2007 10:34:51 IST
	Request type:Recertification
	Requested for:firstname lastname
	Requested by:SYSTEM
Account Deleted
Provides default text that is sent to a participant, confirming deletion of an account, after a participant declines a recertification request.
For example, the participant receives this message:
Account myaccount on service shortword-linux has been deleted due to 
	rejection of a recertification request
	The account myaccount on service shortword-linux owned by 
	firstname lastname has been deleted due to rejection 
	of a recertification request.
	Activity:Recertification of Account/Access
	Date submitted:Apr 26, 2007 10:34:51 IST
	Request type:Recertification
	Requested for:firstname lastname
	Requested by:SYSTEM
	Due date:Apr 27, 2007 10:34:57 IST
Account Marked
Provides default text that is sent to a participant, confirming that an account is marked for suspension, after a participant declines a recertification request.
For example, the participant receives this message:
Account myaccount on service shrotword-linux has been marked as rejected 
	for recertification due to rejection of a recertification request
	The account myaccount on service shortword-linux owned by 
	firstname lastname has been marked as rejected for recertification 
	due to rejection of a recertification request.
	Activity:Recertification of Account/Access
	Date submitted:Apr 26, 2007 10:34:51 IST
	Request type:Recertification
	Requested for:firstname lastname
	Requested by:SYSTEM
	Due date:Apr 27, 2007 10:34:57 IS
Access Marked
Provides default text that is sent to a participant. It confirms that an account on an access is marked for subsequent action after a participant declines a recertification request.
The template contains these statements:
Account myaccount on access myaccess has been deleted 
due to rejection of a recertification request.
The account myaccount on access myaccess owned by firstname lastname 
has been marked as rejected for recertification due to rejection of 
a recertification request.
	Date submitted:Apr 26, 2007 10:34:51 IST    
	Request type:
	Requested for:
	Requested by:
	Due date:Apr 27, 2007 10:34:57 IST
Access Removed
Provides default text that is sent to a participant, confirming deletion of an account on an access, after a participant declines a recertification request.
For example, the participant receives this message:
Account myaccount on access myaccess has been deleted due to 
rejection of a recertification request.
The account myaccount on access myaccess owned by firsname 
lastname has been deleted due to rejection of a recertification request.
	Date submitted:Apr 26, 2007 10:34:51 IST  
	Request type:
	Requested for:
	Requested by:
	Due date:Apr 27, 2007 10:34:57 IST
User Recertification Pending
Provides default text that is sent to a participant, confirming that a user recertification is pending, after a recertification request is initiated.
For example, the participant receives this message:
You have received a recertification request for user firstname lastname.
The recertification includes their membership in X role(s) and ownership
of Y account(s). Please indicate whether the user still requires these 
The account myaccount on access myaccess owned by firsname 
lastname has been deleted due to rejection of a recertification request.
	Activity: Recertification of Account/Access/User
	Date submitted: Sep 08, 2008 04:10:32 EDT  
	Request type: Recertification
	Requested for: firstname lastname
	Requested by: System
	Due date: Sep 18, 2008 04:10:34 EDT
User Recertification Rejected
Provides default text that is sent to a participant, confirming that one or more resources were declined in a user recertification request.
For example, the participant receives this message:
One or more resources for user firstname lastname have been rejected 
during recertification.
The account myaccount on access myaccess owned by firsname 
lastname has been deleted due to rejection of a recertification request.
	Activity: Recertification of Account/Access/User
	Date submitted: Sep 08, 2008 06:30:07 EDT 
	Request type: Recertification
	Requested for: firstname lastname
	Requested by: System

The following roles were rejected:

The following accounts were rejected, along with all groups associated 
with the accounts:
 Account "uid" on service "servicename"

The following groups were rejected, but the account was accepted:
 Group "groupname" for account "uid" on service "servicename"

Properties file values

To change templates, you can use all of the key=value statements in the file, or create your own properties and values.

The properties include these items on one line:

recertOn={0} on {1}
recertTemplateSubject=Recertification required 
	for account {0} on service {1}
recertTemplateAccessSubject=Recertification required
	for account {0} on access {1}
recertTemplateBody=You have received a recertificaton request 
	for account {0} on service {1} owned by {2}.
recertTemplateAccessBody=You have received a recertificaton request 
	for account {0} on access {1} owned by {2}.
recertDeclineSuspendsBody=Rejection of this recertification request 
	will result in the suspension of account {0} on {1}.
recertDeclineDeletesBody=Rejection of this recertification request 
	will result in the deletion of account {0} on {1}.
recertDeclineMarksBody=Rejection of this recertification request 
	will result in account {0} on {1} being marked as rejected for recertification.
recertDeclineDeletesAccessBody=Rejection of this recertification request 
	will result in the deletion of access {0}.
recertDeclineMarksAccessBody=Rejection of this recertification request 
	will result in access {0} being marked as rejected for recertification.
recertDeclinedAcctSuspendedSubj=Account {0} on service {1} has 
	been suspended due to rejection of a recertification request
recertDeclinedAcctDeletedSubj=Account {0} on service {1} has 
	been deleted due to rejection of a recertification request
recertDeclinedAcctMarkedSubj=Account {0} on service {1} has 
	been marked as rejected for recertification due to rejection 
	of a recertification request
recertDeclinedAccessDeletedSubj=Account {0} on access {1} has 
	been deleted due to rejection of a recertification request
recertDeclinedAccessMarkedSubj=Account {0} on access {1} has 
	been marked as rejected for recertification due to rejection 
	of a recertification request
recertDeclinedAcctSuspendedBody=The account {0} on 
	service {1} owned by {2} has been suspended due to rejection 
	of a recertification request.
recertDeclinedAcctDeletedBody=The account {0} on service {1} 
	owned by {2} has been deleted due to rejection of a recertification request.
recertDeclinedAcctMarkedBody=The account {0} on service {1} 
	owned by {2} has been marked as rejected for recertification 
	due to rejection of a recertification request.
recertDeclinedAccessDeletedBody=The account {0} on access {1} 
	owned by {2} has been deleted due to rejection of a recertification request.
recertDeclinedAccessMarkedBody=The account {0} on access {1} 
	owned by {2} has been marked as rejected for recertification 
	due to rejection of a recertification request.
userRecertTemplateSubject=Recertification required for user {0}
userRecertTemplateBody=You have received a recertificaton request 
  for user {0}. The recertification includes their membership in {1} role(s)
  and ownership of {2} account(s). Please indicate whether the user still 
  requires these resources.
userRecertDeclinedSubj=Recertification request rejected for user {0}
userRecertDeclinedBody=One or more resources for user {0} have been
  rejected during recertification.
userRecertRolesRejectedLabel=The following roles were rejected:
userRecertAccountsRejectedLabel=The following accounts were rejected,
  along with all groups associated with the accounts:
userRecertGroupsRejectedLabel=The following groups were rejected,
  but the account was accepted:
userRecertAcctLabel=Account "{0}" on service "{1}"
userRecertGroupLabel=Group "{0}" for account "{1}" on service "{2}"

Recertification template key definitions

Recertification templates use the following key definitions:

timeScheduled=Date submitted
recertRequestType=Request type
recertRequestedFor=Requested for
recertRequestedBy=Requested by
recertDueDate=Due date
readOnlyDateFormat=MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss z