The WI_PARTICIPANT table stores information about the workflow participants for a given work item. There can be more than one participant for each work item. This data is removed from the table when the work item completes.

Table 1. WI_PARTICIPANT table
Header Header Header
ID* Participant unique ID. Primary Key Numeric
WORKITEM_ID* Work item ID that is associated with the data. References WORKITEM (ID). Numeric
PARTICIPANT_TYPE* Work item participant type. Values include:

User (U)

Person (P)

Role (R)

System Administrator (SA)

Supervisor (SU)

Sponsor (SP)

Service Owner (SO)

System (WS)

Requestor (RR)

Requestee (RE)

Domain Administrator (DA)

Custom Defined Participant (CM)

Access Owner (AO)

Role Owner (RO)

ITIM Group (SR)

Character (2)
PARTICIPANT* LDAP DN that points to the participant. Character (512)

* Indicates the column is required and not null.