The REMOTE_RESOURCES_RECONS table stores the reconciliation units associated with a resource provider.

Column Name Description Data type
PROVIDER_ID* Unique ID for each resource provider. References RESOURCE_PROVIDERS (PROVIDER_ID). Primary key. Character (20)
RECON_ID* Unique ID for each reconciliation unit. Primary key. Numeric
DAY_OF_MONTH Day of month the reconciliation is scheduled to run. Numeric
MONTH_NUM Month the reconciliation is scheduled to run. Numeric
DAY_OF_WEEK Day of week the reconciliation is scheduled to run. Numeric
HOUR_NUM Hour of day the reconciliation is scheduled to run. Numeric
MINUTE_NUM Minute of hour the reconciliation is scheduled to run. Numeric
MAX_DURATION This value overrides the MAX_RECON_DURATION value in the table. Numeric
LOCK_SERVICE Indicates whether to lock the service during a reconciliation. Values include:

0 – Do not lock the service during reconciliation.

1 – Lock the service during reconciliation

Default: 1

RECON_NAME1 Name of the reconciliation. Character (300)
DESCRIPTION1 Description of the reconciliation. Character (300)

* Indicates the column is required and not null.

1 Indicates the column or the value is added in release 5.0.