The PO_TOPIC_TABLE table stores information about the topics that are used by the post office component. There is a row in the table for each group e-mail topic that is actively in use for the system. PO_TOPIC_TABLE tracks the unique system notification email topics seen during a Post Office interval. Intercepted emails are later aggregated and forwarded on a per-topic basis.

Table 1. PO_TOPIC_TABLE table
Column Name Description Data type
TENANT* The name of the tenant for which this topic applies. Primary key. Character (256)
TOPIC* The string that represents the group e-mail topicas defined in the notification section of the workflow definition for each manual activity. Primary key. Character (256)
SERVER The server that is currently processing the topic Character (255)
CHECKPOINT_TIME A value that represents when the current processing of this topic was started, which is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 Greenwich mean time. Numeric
TOPIC_ID* A unique ID that identifies this topic. This column keys into the PO_NOTIFICATION_TABLE to determine which messages match the topic. Numeric

* Indicates the column is required and not null.