This table stores provisioning parameters for parsed entitlements. No primary key constraints are defined for this table

Column Name Description Data type
DN* The distinguished name of the provisioning policy or this entitlement. Character (255)
ATTRIBUTEVALUE* Value of service attribute parameter. This value is a provisioning parameter. Character (4000)
NAME* Name of the service attribute parameter. These parameters are visible under advanced provisioning parameter list of the entitlement in IBM Verify Identity Governance user interface. Character (255)
ENFORCEMENT Enforcement type of this service attribute parameter. Possible values represent mandatory or optional. Character (255)
EXPRTYPE Expression Type for this service attribute parameter. An expression can be a constant expression or a JavaScript expression. Character (255)
SERVICETARGETNAME If the service type represents a specific service instance, then this column contains the DN of the service instance. If service type represents a service profile or service selection policy, then this column contains the name of the service profile. Character (255)
SERVICE_DN Distinguished name of the associated service, if any. Character (255)

* Indicates the column is required and not null.