Running the report data synchronization utility

After you configure the utility, you can start the synchronization process.

Before you begin

  • Configure IBM Verify Identity Governance report data synchronization utility.
  • Access the folder in which you extracted the utility.

About this task

To run the report data synchronization utility, complete these steps:


  1. Run one of the following commands:
    Microsoft Windows platforms
    SyncData.cmd [-JAVA_HOME java_home_value] 
    For example, SyncData.cmd -JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\IBM\Java60"
    UNIX or Linux® platforms
    ./ [-JAVA_HOME java_home_value] 
    For example, ./ -JAVA_HOME /opt/IBM/Java60
    where, -JAVA_HOME is an optional argument that specifies the location of the Java™ runtime environment. See Table 1 for specifying the location of the Java runtime environment.
    Table 1. Specifying the location of the Java runtime environment
    If the -JAVA_HOME argument is IBM Verify Identity Governance
    • Specified
    Uses the corresponding Java runtime environment.
    • Not specified, and
    • The -JAVA_HOME operating system environment variable contains a value.
    Uses the Java runtime environment corresponding to the -JAVA_HOME operating system environment variable.
    • Not specified, and
    • The -JAVA_HOME operating system environment variable either does not exist or does not contain a value.
    Reports a failure for the report data synchronization utility.
  2. If you encounter any problem while running the report data synchronization utility, see the SyncData.log file. This log file is created in the directory where you extracted the utility.

What to do next