Using global account defaults for the service type
Instead of adding account defaults to a service instance, you can use the global account defaults for the service type.
Before you begin
Depending on how your system administrator customized your system, you might not have access to this task. To obtain access to this task or to have someone complete it for you, contact your system administrator.
About this task
Selecting this option prevents new account defaults from being created on the service, and prevents existing account defaults from being changed or removed. The Add, Change, and Remove buttons are disabled when you choose to use global account defaults.
To use the global account defaults for the service type, complete these steps:
A message is displayed, indicating that you successfully saved the account defaults on the service.
What to do next
You can choose to use the account defaults instead of using the global account defaults by clearing the Use the global account defaults for the service type check box on the Select an Account Attribute page.
Select another account task, or click Close. When the Select a Service page is displayed, click Refresh to refresh the Services table.