Generating an auditing history report

This scenario describes how to generate an auditing history report. Mark Pond wants to monitor all the account audit actions such as add, delete, suspend, restore, and orphan in the JK Enterprises finance sub-organization over a period of time. Solution: Mark can run the Audit History Report for accounts.


  1. Open the Cognos® URL http://IP address or host name:port/bi/v1/disp in a browser.
  2. Click the IdentityManagerReportingModel_10.0 link on this page. It displays a list of static reports.
  3. Click the Audit History Report link.
  4. From the Audit Report type drop-down menu, select Account.
  5. When you are prompted to provide the parameters for the report, enter the values for the filters based on your requirements.

    To see the list of available values under a particular filter, enter % in the text field, then click Search.

    Select the values from the list and click Insert to add them to the Choice list.

    Click Next to go to the next filter selection page, if any.

  6. When you are done with the parameter value selection, click Finish.

    A summary page lists the selections you made for the filters. There are page browsing links (such as Page Down, Page Up, Top, Bottom) available at the bottom of the page.

  7. Click the Page Down link to go to the next page of the report.

    The generated report shows all the accounts that were added, deleted, suspended, restored, and orphaned over a period of time.