ACI object filters used for reporting
Object filters defined in ACIs are used by the reporting engine to stage data and ACI information in the database.
The reporting engine requires
object filters that meet these conventions:
- The supported filters for LDAP to SQL conversion are a subset of filters mentioned in RFC 2254 for LDAP Filter Specification.
- Matching rules, soundex filters, and approximation operators are not supported.
- In regular expressions, only the * (asterisk) wildcard character is supported.
- Only the following special characters are allowed
in LDAP filters:
- $ (dollar sign)
- @ (at sign)
- _ (underscore)
- * (asterisk)
- ? (question mark)
- / (forward slash)
- \ (backward slash)
- . (period)
- : (colon)
- space
- tab
- The following
characters are not supported in LDAP filters. If
you use these characters in an object filter, the reporting engine
does not consider the characters for ACI information staging:
- { open curly brace
- } close curly brace
- [ open box bracket
- ] close box bracket
- % (percent sign)
- & (ampersand)
- , (comma)
- As specified
within RFC 2254, these special characters can be
used as normal characters in attribute values:
- \2a to use * as a normal character, not as a wildcard
- \28 to use ( as a left parenthesis character
- \29 to use ) as a right parenthesis character
- \5c to use \ as a backslash character