How to read the reference pages

This section explains the structure of each reference item.

Title and Description
Every reference entry begins with a title and a one line description. The entries are alphabetized by title. The one-line description gives a quick summary of the item documented in the entry.
The IBM Verify Identity Governance JavaScript extensions change over time. Unless otherwise noted, anything available in one version of the IBM Verify Identity Governance extensions is also available in later versions. This section also specifies whether an existing item was enhanced with a later version of the extensions and when an item is deprecated. Deprecated items are no longer supported and can be removed from future versions of the IBM Verify Identity Governance extensions. Do not use deprecated items in new IBM Verify Identity Governance JavaScript code.
Provided by
At installation, IBM Verify Identity Governance provides this initial set of registered extensions:
  • EnroleExtension
  • ProvisioningPolicyExtension
  • PostOfficeExtension
  • IdentityPolicyExtension
  • PersonPlacementRulesExtension
  • WorkflowExtension
  • ReminderExtension
  • ServiceExtension
  • SubjectExtension
  • AttributesExtension
  • LoopCountExtension
  • EmailContextExtension
  • Model extensions package
Inherits From
JavaScript classes can inherit properties and methods from other classes. When it occurs, an Inherits From section appears in the reference entry. The inherited fields and methods are in the listed superclasses. For example, the subject object inherits all of its fields and properties from the DirectoryObject class.
This section is a synopsis of how to use the object, method, property, or function.
If the reference page describes a function or method that has arguments, the Synopsis is followed by an Arguments subsection that describes the arguments to the function or method. For some objects, the Synopsis section is replaced by a Constructor section which is also followed by an Arguments subsection.
If a function or a method has a return value, the Arguments subsection is followed by a Returns subsection that explains the return value of the function, method or constructor.
If the reference page documents an object, the Properties section lists the properties the object supports and provides short explanations of each.
The reference page for an object that defines methods includes a Methods section.
Most reference entities contain a Description section, which is a basic description of whatever is documented. For some simple methods, the Arguments and Returns sections document the method sufficiently by themselves, so the Description section is omitted.
This section describes common techniques for using the item, or it contains cautionary information.