Resolving concurrent provisioning requests failures

Simultaneous multiple provisioning requests can cause racing conditions. If two concurrent threads try to provision the same account, one thread succeeds, the other thread fails. The enrole attribute account.provision.concurrency.resolution was added at Fix Pack 4 to resolve racing conditions. If the subsequent provisioning requests are failing because the account exists, you can take corrective actions.

Before you begin

This issue has been fixed in version Only earlier versions need this workaround.

Depending on how your system administrator customized your system, you might not have access to this task. To obtain access to this task or to have someone complete it for you, contact your system administrator.

Only individuals who are part of the administrator group can access this feature.

Ensure that Fix Pack 4 is installed. Check the schema to verify that the account.provision.concurrency.resolution is set to the default value of 0. See Concurrency properties.

About this task

If Fix Pack 4 is correctly installed, you might need to increase the lock time for the concurrency attribute.


  1. Log on to the IBM Verify Identity Governance administration console.
  2. Add the erconcurrencytimeout field to the service form.
    1. From the navigation tree, click Configure System > Design Forms.
      The form designer applet is displayed.
    2. In the left pane, double-click the Service folder to display the profiles for the service types. Double-click the service type profile to open the template for that profile.
      The form template that is associated with the service type profile is displayed in the middle pane.
    3. Select the tab to which you want to add the attribute.
    4. In the Attribute List pane, double-click erconcurrencytimeout.
      The attribute is added to the form.
    5. Right click erconcurrencytimeout. Click Move Up Attribute or Move Down Attribute to position the field on the form.
    6. Click Form > Save Form Template, and then click OK when a message is displayed, indicating that the form template is saved successfully.
    7. Click Close to exit Form Designer.
  3. Increase the timeout setting for the erconcurrencytimeout setting.
    1. From the navigation tree, click Manage Services.
    2. Click Search.
    3. Select the service that you want to modify and click Change.
    4. On the Service page, scroll to the erconcurrencytimeout field and enter a timeout value in minutes.
      The default setting is 15 minutes.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Click Close.

What to do next

Try your provisioning requests again. If the requests still fail, try increasing the erconcurrencytimeout by a greater amount. If the failures persist, check IBM Electronic Support for additional information at