Database update fails with an SQL error

The following example shows an error that can occur during database update operations. You might receive similar errors. DB2 SQL error: 
						SQLCODE: -964, SQLSTATE: 57011, SQLERRMC: null
	at Code))
	at Code))
	at Code))
	at Compiled Code))
	at Code))
	at Compiled Code))
	at Code))
	at Code))
	at Code))
      pmiExecuteUpdate( Code))
      executeUpdate( Code))
The SQLCODE: -964, SQLSTATE: 57011 error occurs when the transaction log space is depleted. This problem can occur because of a temporary increase in the number of active transactions.
  1. Open a DB2® command window.
  2. Run the following command:
    db2 get snapshot for all on itimdb
  3. Examine the values of the following entries to determine if the database is running low on available log space:
    • Log space available to the database
    • Log space used by the database
    • Secondary logs allocated currently
  4. Increase the number of secondary log files available to the database by 12 to provide additional log file space:
    1. From the DB2 command window, run the following command:
      db2 update db cfg for itimdb using logsecond
    2. Specify a value of logsecond plus 12 for x.

If the problem reoccurs, DB2 UDB in-doubt transactions might be the cause. In-doubt transactions result in transaction log space shortage. Previous server failures or crashes cause the transaction log to become full when transactions are performed. To correct this problem, complete these steps:

If Identity Manager Server is running, changing transactions with timestamps close to the current time can cause server failures.
  1. From a DB2 command window, connect to the Identity Manager database.
  2. Run the following command:
    db2 list indoubt transactions with prompting
  3. Roll back any transactions with a timestamp near the time of the server crash.