Creating a provisioning policy

An administrator can create a provisioning policy.

Before you begin

Depending on how your system administrator customized your system, you might not have access to this task. To obtain access to this task or to have someone complete it for you, contact your system administrator.

Organizational roles and services that the provisioning policy uses must be in place before you add the provisioning policy.

If a role is a member of another organizational role in a provisioning policy, then that role member also inherits the permissions of provisioning policy.


  1. From the navigation tree, select Manage Policies > Manage Provisioning Policies.
  2. On the Manage Provisioning Policies page, in the Provisioning Policies table, click Create.
  3. On the Manage Provisioning Policies page, on the General page, type a name and a priority number, and select a business unit for your provisioning policy.
    Optionally, you can also specify the scope, a caption, a description, keywords, and the policy status.
  4. Click the Members page, and select the member type that you want to associate with the provisioning policy.
    If you select Roles specified below, complete these steps to add one or more roles to the Roles table:
    1. Click Add.
    2. On the Organizational Role page, specify your search criteria, and then click Search.
    3. In the Roles table, select one or more roles.
    4. Click OK.
  5. On the Manage Provisioning Policies page, click the Entitlements page, and add one or more entitlements to the provisioning policy:
    1. Click Create.
    2. On the Account Entitlement page, select the provisioning option, ownership type, target type, and a workflow. Select the service type and service, if applicable.
    3. Click OK.
  6. Click Submit to save the policy.
  7. On the Schedule page, choose to create the provisioning policy immediately or select a specific date and time. Then, click Submit.
  8. On the Success page, click Close.