Service Details

Use this page to view the details that are related to the selected service. Each service has its own unique set of information. Refer to the documentation provided with the adapter for details about the displayed fields.

The following fields are common for most services. All fields are read-only, so you cannot change any information related to the service. These fields might or might not be displayed on the service form by default. Except for the Service name field, these fields can be added or removed.
Service name
Displays the name of the service.
Displays the description of the service that was provided by the service owner.
For remote services, displays the URL used to connect to the resource hosting the service. The address value is displayed in brackets for IPv6 addresses.
User ID
Displays the user ID used to log into the remote resource.
Displays the name of the service provider.
Service prerequisite
Displays the prerequisite that must be met before the service can be used, for example, at least one service account must exist.