Query subjects for Recertification Config namespace

The following table lists the query subjects in the Recertification Config namespace.

Table 1. Query subjects in the Recertification Config namespace
Query subject Description
Recertification Policy Represents the recertification policy and its components.
Recertification Policy Schedule Represents the schedule that is used to auto trigger the recertification policy.
Policy Recertifier Represents a user who is a recertifier for the recertification policy.
Recert Policy Business Unit Represents a business unit to which the recertification policy applies.
Recert Policy Role Target Represents the roles that are recertified by the recertification policy. You must use this query subject with the Recertification Policy to obtain information about the roles that are certified and their configuration attributes.
Recert Policy Access Target Represents a group access and group membership that are recertified by the recertification policy. You must use this query subject with the Recertification Policy to obtain information about:
  • Group access
  • Group membership
  • Configuration attributes of group access and group membership
  • Informative attributes of a service that are associated with a group
Recert Policy Access Owner Represents a group access owner that are recertified by the recertification policy. You must use this query subject with the Recertification Policy to obtain information about the group access owner name.
Group Members Represents the information about the members of a recertified group. You must use this query subject with the Recert Policy Access Target to obtain information about the members of the recertified group.
Recert Policy Account Target Represents a service on which the accounts are provisioned and recertified by the recertification policy. You must use this query subject with the Recertification Policy to obtain more information about:
  • Account recertified
  • Service on which these accounts are provisioned
Account Represents account entity and some of its configuration attributes. You must use this query subject with the Recert Policy Account Target to obtain more information about the accounts that are associated with the service.
Person Represents a user entity and some of its configuration attributes. You must use this query subject with the Recert Policy Role Target query subject to obtain more information about the members of the role.
Account Owner Represents a user owner of an account. You must use this query subject with the Account query subject to obtain information about the owners of the accounts.