Query items for Provisioning Policy Audit namespace

The following table lists the query items in the Provisioning Policy Audit namespace.

Table 1. Query items in the Provisioning Policy Audit namespace
Query subject Query items and their description
Provisioning Policy Audit
Audit Provisioning Policy Name
The name of a provisioning policy.
Audit Provisioning Policy Business Unit
The name of a business unit to which the provisioning policy applies.
Audit Action
The action that is performed on the provisioning policy. For example, Add, Modify, and EnforceEntirePolicy.
Audit Process Subject
A subject of the automatically provisioned audit action. It can be the provisioning policy or the accounts that are provisioned.
Audit Subject Type
The type of the audit subject. For example, Policy and Account.
Audit Process Subject Profile
The profile type of the accounts that is provisioned by the provisioning policy. This query item applies only to the accounts.
Audit Process Subject Service
The service on which the accounts are provisioned. This query item applies only to the accounts.
Audit Initiator Name
The name of a user who initiated the audit action.
Audit Process Requestee Name
The name of a user on behalf of whom the audit action is initiated.
Audit Comments
The comments that are entered by an approver during the audit workflow approval.
Audit Operation Start Time
The audit operation start date and time.
Audit Process Submission Time
The audit process submission date and time.
Audit Process Schedule Time
The date and time at which an event is scheduled for execution.
Audit Process Completion Time
The audit process completion date and time.
Audit Process Result Summary
The result summary of the account request workflow process.
Activity Name
The name of the audit activity.
Activity Submission Time
The audit activity submission date and time.
Activity Completion Time
The audit activity completion date and time.
Audit Activity Result Summary
The result summary of an activity in the account request workflow process.
Audit Process Recertifier
The name of a user who approves the audit process workflow.
Audit provisioning policy Dn
An LDAP distinguished name for the provisioning policy on which the audit actions are performed.
Provisioning Policy
Provisioning Policy Name
The name of a provisioning policy.
Provisioning Policy Scope
The scope in terms of a hierarchy of the business units to which the provisioning policy applies.
Provisioning Policy Dn
An LDAP distinguished name for the provisioning policy.
Provisioning Policy Business Unit Dn
An LDAP distinguished name for the business unit to which the provisioning policy applies.
Provisioning Policy Business Unit
Business Unit Name
The name of the business unit to which the provisioning policy applies.
Business Unit Supervisor
The supervisor of a user for the business unit to which the provisioning policy applies.
Business Unit Container Dn
An LDAP distinguished name for the business unit where the provisioning policy business unit is located.
Business Unit Dn
An LDAP distinguished name for the business unit to which the provisioning policy belongs.
Provisioning Policy Service
Service Name
The name of a service to which the provisioning policy applies.
Service Type
The profile type of a service to which the provisioning policy applies.
Service Business Unit
The business unit of a service to which the provisioning policy applies.
Service Dn
An LDAP distinguished name for a service to which the provisioning policy belongs.
Service Business Unit Dn
An LDAP distinguished name for the business unit to which the service belongs.
Service Owner Dn
An LDAP distinguished name for the user owner of a service.