Viewing or changing account details

You can view or change account details for user accounts in IBM Verify Identity Governance.

Before you begin

Depending on how your system administrator customized your system, you might not have access to this task. To obtain access to this task or to have someone complete it for you, contact your system administrator.

About this task

To view or change account details for a user, complete these steps:


  1. From the navigation tree, select Manage Users.
  2. On the Select a User page, complete these steps:
    1. Type information about the user in the Search information field, select an attribute from the Search by list, and then click Search.
    2. In the Users table, click the icon (Context menu icon) next to the name of the user whose accounts you want to view or change, and click Accounts.
  3. On the Accounts page, complete these steps:
    1. Type information about the account in the Account information field.
    2. In the Search by field, specify whether the search is to be done against user IDs or owners.
    3. In the Ownership type field, select an ownership type, and then click Search or Advanced, depending on the type of search you want to do.
      The advanced search option opens a new page where you can specify additional search criteria.
  4. On the Accounts page, click the user ID to view or change account details.
  5. On the Account Information page, view account details, or if you want to change account details, specify the required information for the user. The tabs that are displayed and the information in each tab is determined by your system administrator. When your changes are done, click Submit Now to save the changes, or click Schedule Submission to select a date and time to schedule the change.
    Note: When you change account information for the administrator account, such as ITIM Manager, there might be limitations on which information you can change. If the administrator account is configured to use an authentication repository other than ITIM service, you cannot force the account to change password at the next login. When the authentication repository is not ITIM Service, IBM Verify Identity Governance does not manage the password.
  6. On the Success page, click Close.
  7. On the Accounts page, when you are done viewing accounts, click Close.