Adapter attributes

This section describes the adapter attributes.

Attribute descriptions

The Identity Manager Server communicates with the IBM®® Control Desk service provider using attributes that are included in transmission packets that are sent over a network. The combination of attributes which are included in the packets, depends on the type of action that the Identity Manager Server requests from the IBM® Control Desk service provider.

Table 1 contains a list of the attributes that are used by the IBM® Control Desk service provider, and gives a brief description and the data type for the value of the attribute.
Table 1. Attributes, descriptions, and corresponding data types
Attribute Directory server attribute Description Data format
Userid eruid Specifies the user ID of the account. String
Password erpassword Specifies the account password. String
Status eraccountstatus Specifies the status of the account (ACTIVE, INACTIVE). String
Type ermaximousertype Specifies the type of the Maximo® user. String
Defsite ermaximodefsite Specifies the default site of the account. String
Storeroomsite ermaximostoresite Specifies the storeroom site of the account. String
Querywithsite ermaximoquerysite Specifies whether or not to use the insert site as a display filter. Boolean
Emailpswd ermaximoemailpswd Specifies whether or not to e-mail the password to the user on account creation. Boolean
Sysuser ermaximosysuser Specifies whether or not the account is a system account. Boolean
Screenreader ermaximoscreen Specifies whether or not the account requires a screen reader. Boolean
Firstname ermaximofirstname Specifies the first name of the person supporting the user account. String
Lastname ermaximolastname Specifies the last name of the person supporting the user account. String
Phonenum ermaximophone Specifies the primary phone number for the person. String
PhoneType ermaixmophonetype Specifies the type of the primary phone number for the person. String
Email ermaximoemail Specifies the primary e-mail address for the person. String
Memo ermaximomemo Specifies the memo for the person. String
Addressline1 ermaximoaddress Specifies the address of the person. String
City ermaximocity Specifies the city of the person. String
Stateprovince ermaximostate Specifies the state of the person. String
Postalcode ermaximozip Specifies the zip of the person. String
Country ermaximocountry Specifies the country of the person. String
Groupname ermaximogroupname Specifies the name of the group. String
GroupDescription ermaximogroupdescription Specifies the description of the group. String

IBM® Control Desk service provider attributes by action

The following lists are typical IBM® Control Desk service provider actions that are organized by their functional transaction group. The lists include more information about required and optional attributes sent to the IBM® Control Desk service provider to complete that action.

System Login Add

A System Login Add is a request to create a user account in the domain with the specified attributes.

Table 2. Add request attributes
Required attributes Optional attribute



All other supported attributes
System Login Change

A System Login Change is a request to change one or more attributes for the specified users.

Table 3. Change request attributes
Required attributes Optional attribute
eruid All other supported attributes
System Login Delete

A System Login Delete is a request to remove the specified user from the IBM® Control Desk registry.

Table 4. Delete request attributes
Required attributes Optional attribute
eruid None
System Login Suspend

A System Login Suspend is a request to disable a user account. The user is not removed, and the attributes are not modified.

Table 5. Suspend request attributes
Required attributes Optional attribute



System Login Restore

A System Login Restore is a request to activate a user account that was previously suspended. After an account is restored, the user can access the system with the same attributes before the Suspend function was called.

Table 6. Restore request attributes
Required attributes Optional attribute




The Reconciliation request synchronizes user account information between IBM Verify Identity Governance and the service provider.

Table 7. Restore request attributes
Required attributes Optional attribute
None None