Installation on RHEL
This section describes the steps for a fresh installation of IVIG Software Stack version 11.0.0 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Perform the following steps to install IM-Software Stack Beta-5 release on Red Hat Enterprise Linux v9.4.
Stand-alone deployment
- IBM Java 8 SDK
- Download IBM Java 8 SDK.
- Install Java 8. Run: sudo rpm -Uvh ibm-java-x86_64-sdk-8.0-8.30.x86_64.rpm
- Add /opt/ibm/java-x86_64-80 to your PATH
Download IBM MQ from IBM Passport Advantage .
IBM MQ 9.4 LTS is available with part number G0B7VML.
Next, install IBM MQ.
- Ensure that you have root or sudo access on the system.
- Run: tar zxf
- Run: sudo groupadd -g 500 mqm
- Run: sudo useradd -u 501 -g mqm -s /bin/bash -d /home/mqm -m mqm
- NOTE: You may ignore the warning about uid range.
- Run: sudo passwd mqm
- Run: sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/isimsystem -m isimsystem
- Run: sudo passwd isimsystem
- Next, edit the file /etc/security/limits.conf to add the following to the end of the file, above the # End of File line.
- root hard nofile 10240
- root soft nofile 10240
- mqm hard nofile 10240
- mqm soft nofile 10240
- Edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf to add or change the following entries.
- fs.file-max = 524288
- kernel.threads-max = 32768
- Run: sudo sysctl -p
- This command ensures that changes are enforced without having to reboot the computer.
- Create the mqm data directory.
- sudo mkdir /var/mqm
- sudo chown mqm /var/mqm
- sudo chgrp mqm /var/mqm
- Run: sudo ./
- Run: sudo rpm -Uvh MQ*.rpm
For detailed instructions, see the IBM MQ documentation.
- Configure IBM MQ
- Ensure to use a user in the mqm group. You can also add your account to the group.
- sudo usermod -g mqm <yourid>
- newgrp (to reload groups without having to log in again)
- Run: . /opt/mqm/bin/setmqenv -s
- NOTE: Do not forget the <period><space> at the front to source this info into your environment.
- Run: cd into wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/config/config/mq/ and then either ssl OR plain
- Here, choose ssl directory if you want to use SSL, and choose plain for non-SSL.
- Check the listener line at the end of the .mqsc files. The local is configured for port 1414 and shared for 1415, but they can be adjusted as needed.
- Run: crtmqm -ii isvgqm.ini ISVGQueueMgr
- Run: strmqm ISVGQueueMgr
- Run: runmqsc ISVGQueueMgr < ISVGQMgr.mqsc
- Next, you need to set up the shared queues. It can be done on the IM system, or you can install
MQ on another machine and run it there.
- Run: crtmqm -ii isvgqm.ini ISVGQMgrShared
- Run: strmqm ISVGQMgrShared
- Run: runmqsc ISVGQMgrShared < ISVGQMgr-shared.mqsc
SSL: If you plan to use SSL, you will need to create a certificate for each queue manager. You can either use openssl to create a PKCS12 file to be imported into the MQ keystore, or you can create one with GSKit.
- Refer the MQ Documentation.
- Run as the mqm user or you will need to update permissions on the file.
- Run: runmqakm -keydb -create -populate -db /var/mqm/qmgrs/ISVGQueueMgr/ssl/key.kdb -pw the_password -stash
- If you have a PKCS12:
- Run: runmqakm -cert -import -db /var/mqm/qmgrs/ISVGQueueMgr/ssl/key.kdb -stashed -label pkcs12label -new_label ibmwebspheremqisvgqueuemgr -target cert.p12 -target_pw pkcs_password -type kdb -target_type pkcs12
- If you do not have PKCS12:
- Run: runmqakm -cert -create -db /var/mqm/qmgrs/ISVGQueueMgr/ssl/key.kdb -stashed -label ibmwebspheremqisvgqueuemgr -dn "CN=ISVGIM" -san_dnsname your_hostname -san_ipaddr your_ip
- If you have created a new certificate, extract the CA with:
- Run: runmqakm -cert -extract -label ibmwebspheremqisvgqueuemgr -db /var/mqm/qmgrs/ISVGQueueMgr/ssl/key.kdb -stashed -file localCA.crt -format ascii
- NOTE: The label for the shared QM MUST be ibmwebspheremqisvgqmgrshared, and use a different file name.
- Use mqcertck Queue_Manager_Name
- This step is important to ensure that all the updates are correct.
- Run: endmqm ISVGQueueMgr
- Run: strmqm ISVGQueueMgr
- You must restart to enable SSL.
- Next, perform the steps 3 to 9 for the ISVGQMgrShared QM.
- IVIG Software Stack
- From IBM Passport Advantage site, download the IVIG Software Stack files. Extract the files on
your local computer. Next, perform the following steps.
- Run: cd wlp/bin
- Run: ./ configure --configfile /path/to/file
- Run: ./ install --configfile /path/to/file
- If you want the IM server to use SSL, add your certificate and private key to the keystore listed as liberty.keystore.location in file. If not using SSL, then you can use port 9080 instead of 9443.
- Run: <wlp>/bin/server start
- Log in to IM application:
- If using SSL: https://<hostname>:9443/itim/console
- If using non-SSL: http://<hostname>:9080/itim/console
- The screen prompts you to change the default password. Set a password of your choice, and then proceed with logging in to the IM application.
Multi-node deployment
If you want to deploy IM-Software Stack in a multi-node environment, create the first node (for example, Node-1) by performing the steps described in the Standalone Deployment section.
Next, we will configure a new node (for example, Node-2). Perform the following steps:
- On Node-2, install IBM Java.
- On Node-2, install IBM MQ.
- From IBM Passport Advantage site, download the IVIG Software Stack files.
- Extract the downloaded IVIG Software Stack package into its own directory in Node-2.
- On Node-2, configure the local MQ queue manager, by performing steps 1 to 7 from Configure IBM MQ section. Also, if you plan to use SSL, perform the SSL-related steps from the same section.
- On the existing Node-1, go to the wlp/bin directory and run the following command:
- addnode --configfile /path/to/configfile
- The script prompts you to provide the hostname for Node-2 and other required details for the MQ local. Provide the required values.
- The script then adds the required files to /path/to/
- Transfer the two files (configfile and from the existing Node-1 to the new node, Node-2. Ensure that both the files are placed in the same directory on Node-2.
- On Node-2, go to the wlp/bin directory and run the following command:
- install --configfile /path/to/configfile
- From the wlp/bin directory, run the following command:
- <wlp>/bin/server start
- Log in:
- If using SSL: https://<hostname>:9443/itim/console
- If using non-SSL: http://<hostname>:9080/itim/console