AIX Role General Information

Use this page to specify information about a group. The fields on this page might vary, depending on how you have customized the profile page. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

The following are examples of the fields that you might find on the General Information page.
AIX role name
Type a name for the role. To prevent inconsistencies, restrict role names to characters with the POSIX portable file name character set. You cannot use the keywords ALL or default as a role name. You cannot use the keywords ALL or default in a group name. Additionally, do not use any of the following characters within a group name string:
  • colon (:)
  • double quote (")
  • pound sign (#)
  • comma (,)
  • equal sign (=)
  • back slash (\)
  • slash (/)
  • question mark (?)
  • single quote (')
  • back quote (ˋ)
List the additional authorizations required for this role beyond those defined by the roles in the rolelist attribute. The value is a list of authorization names.

To add authorizations , type the authorization name in the entry field and click Add.

To remove authorizations , select the authorization name from the list of authorizations and click Delete.

Roles implied
List the roles implied by this role. The value is a list of role names. Use Search to add roles or Delete to remove them.
List of groups
List the groups to which a user needs to belong, to effectively use this role. This attribute is for information only and does not automatically make the user a member of the list of groups. The value is a list of group names. Use Search to add groups or Delete to remove them.
Specifies the role's visibility status to the system. The Value parameter is an integer. Possible values are:
Enabled and selectable
The role is enabled, displayed, and selectable. Authorizations contained in this role are applied to the user.
Enabled but not selectable
The role is enabled and displayed as existing, but not selectable through a visual interface. Authorizations contained in this role are applied to the user.
The role is disabled. Authorizations contained in this role are not applied to the user.

Click Finish when you are done with this task.