Customizing Identity Manager Service Center files (Software stack )

As a site administrator, you might want to customize Identity Manager Service Center to meet your specific business needs. Customization involves either copying and modifying files that are provided by IBM® or creating your own custom files to use in place of the IBM files. You must ensure that your new and modified custom files are placed in the correct location. Otherwise, the files cannot be found and used by Identity Manager Service Center.

Before you begin

Customizing the Identity Manager Service Center user interface requires access to files and folders under the WebSphere® Application Server configuration folder of your IBM Verify Identity Governance runtime environment.

See Location of Identity Manager Service Center customizable files for the exact location of the files and folders to which you need access. To obtain access to the necessary files and folders, contact your system administrator.

About this task

The Identity Manager Service Center can be customized in many ways. To customize a particular aspect of the Identity Manager Service Center such as the login page, or the home page, see the appropriate customization instructions. Most customization tasks involve changing or providing replacements for one or more of the customizable files that are provided by IBM. This procedure describes how to create a custom file and where to place the custom file so that it can be used by the IBM Verify Identity Governance server.

Note: In single-server WebSphere Application Server environments, IBM Verify Identity Governance uses the custom file immediately after it is copied to its correct location in the .../itim/custom/ui folder. In managed-cluster environments, the custom file is used as soon as the configuration is synchronized to the application servers in the cluster. For significant customization, create and test the customized files when there are no active users of the Identity Manager Service Center.

Many of the customizable files contain text that is translated into multiple languages for globalization. For customizable globalization files, a default file exists that is not locale-specific, such as There are also locale-specific files for each supported language such as for French and for Arabic. The instructions in the following sections describe how to customize the default version of a globalization file only. If you choose to customize globalization files, follow the same instructions to customize the locale-specific versions of the files. You must customize the files for each language that you intend to support in your environment.


  1. To replace an image file that IBM provides such as an icon or other graphic, complete the following steps.
    1. In the .../itim/custom/ui/original/ folder, locate the image that you want to replace.
      For example, .../itim/custom/ui/original/images/identity.png.
    2. Create your custom image. Use the same file name and type as the file that IBM provides.
      For example, identity.png.
    3. Copy the custom image to the .../itim/custom/ui folder. Use the same relative path and file name as the file that IBM provides in the .../itim/custom/ui/original/ folder.
      For example, .../itim/custom/ui/images/identity.png
  2. To create a custom version of an IBM text file, complete the following steps.
    1. In the .../itim/custom/ui/original/ folder, identify the text file that you want to customize.
      For example, .../itim/custom/ui/original/config/
    2. Copy the file to the .../itim/custom/ui/ folder.
      Ensure that you keep the same relative path and file name.
      For example, .../itim/custom/ui/config/
    3. Change the file permissions on the copied file so that it can be modified.
      The files that IBM provides are installed with Read-Only file permissions.
    4. Modify the copied file for your customization requirements.

What to do next

Start the Identity Manager Service Center in a browser to verify that the customized file is being used. You can verify the file immediately in a single-server WebSphere Application Server environment. In a managed-cluster environment, you must wait until after the configuration is synchronized to the application servers in the cluster. For information about synchronizing the WebSphere managed-cluster environments, see the WebSphere Application Server section of the IBM Knowledge Center.