Narrowing down search results by using specific search control options
Use the search control options to narrow your search on entities such as persons, accesses, groups, roles, services, and organizational containers in the Identity Manager Service Center. The search returns information that matches the specified search criteria.
The Identity Manager Service Center provides a mechanism to select one or more items from a list for doing a basic or advanced search. Queries are not case-sensitive. Search results depend on whether or not the entry is in the system.
You can narrow your search in these ways:
- Simple or basic search
- Click the Search icon next to the Search field to
display a list of top three results. You can also type a search text or a portion of the string in
the Search field to retrieve the results. The results are displayed in a card
format. Click a specific card or press Enter to select and add it to the
list. You can click the selection to view the card information. Note: If the search uses a non-string data type attribute such as Boolean or integer, the text-based search is not supported. Click the Search icon to retrieve all the results without filtering that is based on the search text.
To delete a selected item, click the Delete icon.
To see a complete list, click See all NNN results, where NNN is the number of search items.
- Advanced search
- With your specified search text in the Search field, click
Advanced search or See all NNN
results to open the Advanced Search window.
When you click See all NNN results, your specified search text, the selected search attributes, and the Contains operator is retained in the Advanced Search window. When you click Advanced search, the search text is not retained in the Advanced Search window.
The Advanced Search window contains the following filter options:- Attribute
- Select an attribute such as
, or other attributes for your search.Note: You cannot sort or filter your search on thename
attribute. - Operator
- Select an operator such as Contains, Does not
contain, Equals, Greater than, or
Less than that links the Attribute and
Value fields
together.Note: In an advanced search, if a non-string data type attribute such as Boolean or integer is searched, do not use the operators Contains or Does not contain. For a Boolean type, the only supported operator is Equals. For an integer type, the supported operators are Equals, Less than, and Greater than.
- Value
- Type a value for the search attribute.
You can use these buttons:- Search
- Click to display a list of search results that are based on the selected search attribute. The list of search items is displayed in a table format. The column names depend on what attributes you configured to display in the list.
- Select
- Click to select a search item from the result list. The label changes to
Selected, and the Advanced Search window closes to
prevent you from selecting more than one search item. The Select button is
not enabled until you select another search item.
To select another search item in the result list, click Select. The label for that search item changes to Selected and the label for the previous search item changes to Select.
- Add
- Click to add a search item from the result list. The label changes to Remove.
- Remove
- Click to remove a search item from the result list. The label changes to Add.
Click Close to exit from the Advanced Search window and add the selected items to the basic search results list.
- Review or verify whether the search query is correct or valid.
- Verify the search context.
- Determine whether the system is running correctly.
- Determine whether you are authorized to do the search operation.