Properties used by the form designer
Use the Properties page to configure attribute format and constraints.
The Properties page includes the
following tabs:
- Format
- Use this tab to change the format of a form. Available fields
in this tab are:
- Name
- Use this field to add or modify the name of an attribute. The form uses this identifier to process LDAP attributes.
- Data Type
- Use this field to add or modify the data type of an attribute, such as Directory String, Distinguished Name, binary code, or another data type.
- Label
- Use this field to add or modify a user-readable label for the attribute. For example, $homepostaladdress, where the $ (dollar) symbol indicates a key to look up a string in a resource bundle.
- Size
- Use this field to add or modify the visible width in units of pixels for the following control type: TextField, Password, Search Control, and Search Match. Size represents the number of visible items for the following control type: ListBox and Editable TextList.
- Rows
- Use this field to add or modify the value used by the TextArea control type to represent the number of visible text lines.
- Cols
- Use this field to add or modify the value used by the TextArea control type to represent the visible width in average character widths.
- Width
- Use this field to add or modify the value used by the SubForm
control type to represent the width of a window in units of pixels.
This property is also used by the DropDownBox, EditableTextList, ListBox, SearchControl, and SearchMatch controls to represent the width of their associated combo boxes in pixels. For EditableTextList and SearchMatch controls, width also determines the width of associated text boxes in pixels.
If width is not specified, it is assumed to be a default of 300 pixels. If the width for these controls is set to 0, the associated combo boxes are not a fixed size and resize dynamically, depending upon the options added.
- Height
- Use this field to add or modify the value by the SubForm control type to represent the height of a pop-up window in units of pixels
- Read-Only on Modify
- Select this check box to set an attribute to read-only. Only the label is shown in the form; users cannot modify the attribute value.
- Direction
- Select the direction of text:
- inherit presents text in the same direction as the form category to which the attribute belongs
- ltr presents text from left to right
- rtl presents text from right to left
- Hide on Modify
- Select this check box to hide the attribute field in the form when the form is in modify state. For example, if you select this check box for the Owner field within a service form, the Owner field is shown when users create a service. However, it is not shown when users change a service.
- Autocomplete
- Select this check box to enable autocomplete for the TextField, Password and PasswordPopUp fields. When enabled, autocomplete allows the browser to predict the value. When a user starts to type in a field, the browser displays options to fill in the field, based on earlier typed values. In some browsers you might need to activate an autocomplete function for this format to work.
- Constraints
- Use this tab to enter values for constraint fields to guarantee
the type and syntax of data that users can enter in form fields. Custom
constraints are field-level data restrictions of various types. When
you select a control type of Search Control, Search
Match, ListBox, or DropDownBox,
all of the constraint fields are disabled except for the Required constraint.
- Required
- Select this check box to prevent the form from being submitted without some value in the field where this constraint is placed.
- Validate and Update Constraints
- In the field next to Validate and Update Constraints in the constraint type list, type a sample value for the attribute you selected from the form template layout area. Click Validate and Update Constraints. This action tests the value entered against the constraints activated for the attribute. If the test value you enter complies with all constraints, a message of success is shown after you click Validate and Update Constraints.
Constraints fall into one of these general categories:
- Value constraints
- Require a parameter, such as Max Length = 10,
where 10 is the parameter to constrain the
value by.
- Invalid characters
- Enter the characters that are defined as invalid.
- Maximum length
- Type a numeric value that constrains the length of the value entered for the field to the number of characters specified.
- Minimum length
- Type a numeric value that prevents the form from being submitted unless the value entered has at least as many characters specified by this constraint.
- Maximum value
- Type a numeric value to set a high end point on the value entered (is at most n).
- Minimum value
- Type a numeric value to set a low end point on the value entered (is at least n).
- Maximum number of lines
- Type a numeric value to guarantee that the value entered on the form does not exceed the maximum number of lines specified (in a multi-line field).
- No white space
- Select this check box to prevent any white space from being entered on the form.
- Data type constraints
- Define valid values that occur within a range of characters or
- ASCII-Only
- Select this check box to constrain the characters in the field to ASCII.
- Select this check box to constrain the characters in the field to ASCII-7.
- Select this check box to constrain the characters in the field to ASCII-8.
- Integer only
- Select this check box for only integers in the field.
- Numeric
- Select this check box for only numbers in the field.
- Date range
- Type a date range to force an ending date to be after a beginning date.
- Syntactic constraints
- Define valid values that conform to rules for sequences of characters
and structured parts.
- Email address
- Select this check box to guarantee that the syntax of the value
in the field complies with the following rules:
- Has one @ sign
- Invalid characters, such as < > ( ) . ; " \ [ ] do not occur before the @ sign
- The @ sign must be followed by a valid domain name or IP address.
- IP address (IPV4)
- Select this check box to guarantee that the value in the field is a valid IPV4 address of the form The four octets are separated by a dot and none of the octets exceeds 255.
- IP address (IPV6)
- Select this check box to guarantee that the value conforms with the text representation of IP addresses defined in RFC 2373. For example, 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 is the loopback IPV6 address. See RFC 2373 for more details.
- Domain name
- Select this check box to ensure that the value in the field is
compliant with the Windows NT Domain Name syntax.
The name must have two leading back-slashes (\\)
and can contain up to 15 characters, except for these characters: "
/ \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < >
The name cannot consist solely of periods or spaces.
- Invalid characters
- Type characters in this field to define characters that are not valid when entered for the field.
- DN
- Select this check box to guarantee that the value entered in this field conforms with the distinguished name structure. For example, cn=common name, ou=organizational name, o=organization.