Request parameters and content examples for use in customizing user interface content
This section describes the request parameters that you can use in JSP files to customize content.
Request parameter values
To support
content such as breadcrumbs, help links and
user IDs, a few request parameters are available. The following table
shows these properties, their possible values, and a description.
Property name | Value | Description |
loggedIn | true or false | Flag that indicates whether the user is logged in. |
usercn | The common name of the owner of the logged in account | Note: This value is only set
if the user is
logged in.
langOrientation | ltr or rtl | Indicates the language direction of the current locale, either left to right, or right to left. |
helpUrl | /itim/self/ | URL to the help web page with the helpId parameter set for the current page. |
helpLink | Example: home_help_url | The helpId for the current page. The value home_help_url maps to the corresponding key in the file. |
breadcrumbs | example_message_key1 example_message_key2 example_message_key3 |
A list of message keys that correspond to entries in the file. |
breadcrumbLinks | pathname1 pathname2 empty_string |
A list of links that is the same length as the breadcrumbs list. |
Examples of request parameters in toolbar.jsp
The default file toolbar.jsp contains the logic to display the welcome message and help links. This logic can be moved into the other layout elements; for example, the welcome message might be provided in the banner.
Displaying the welcome message
The following
code checks to see whether the user’s common name is set. If so,
it translates the welcome message and substitutes the name into the
Note: The self-service user interface message labels and
keys are defined in the file.
<%-- If the Users Common Name is not empty display it. Note this value is not
set until the user is logged in --%>
<c:if test=”${!empty usercn and loggedIn == true}”>
<%--Translate the Welcome, Common Name message passing in the name --%>
<fmt:message key=”toolbar_username” >
<fmt:param><c:out value=”${usercn}”/></fmt:param>
<%-- end user info -- %>
Displaying help links
The following code
adds the Help link to the page. The helpUrl is retrieved from help
attributes, and the help label is translated for display.
<%-- Add Help Link to the page --%>
<a id=”helpLink” href=”javascript:launchHelp(‘<c:out value=’${helpUrl}’)”>
<fmt:message key=”toolbar_help”/></a>
Supporting logoff
The Logoff link can only
be displayed if the user is logged in. The following code tests to
see whether the loggedIn request parameter is
true. If so, the code translates the label for the logoff link and
includes the link in the page.
<%-- If the user is logged in display the logoff link --%>
<c:if test=”${loggedIn == true}”>
<a id=”logofflink” href=”/itim/self/Login/”>
<fmt:message key=”toolbar_logoff”/></a>
Displaying breadcrumbs
The following code
adds the breadcrumbs attribute to the page.
The breadcrumbs attribute contains the list
of label keys for the breadcrumbs attribute.
The breadcrumbLinks contain URL information
for each breadcrumb label. A value of null or empty for the breadcrumbLinks indicates that the breadcrumb is not linkable.
<%-- If the breadcrumbs label keys are not empty then display --%>
<c:if test=”${!empty breadcrumbs}”>
<c:forEach items=”${breadcrumbs}” var=”breadcrumb” varStatus=”status”>
<c:if test=”${status.index > 0}”>
<%-- If the action link is not empty for the current label then
create a link for the breadcrumb --%>
<c:when test=”${!empty breadcrumbLinks{status.index}}”>
<html:link action=”${breadcrumbLinks{status.index}}”>
<fmt:message key=”${breadcrumb}”/></html:link>
<%-- If the action link is empty then just translate the
label for the breadcrumb --%>
<fmt:message key=”${breadcrumb}”/>