POSIX Solaris Profile: Authentication

Use this page to configure authentication for the Solaris service instance.

Administrator name
Specify the administrative user ID, such as root, for the Solaris server.
Is sudo user?
Select this check box if the administrator has sudo capability on the Solaris server.
Authentication method
Select the authentication method.
  • Password Based Authentication uses a password to authenticate users.
  • Key Based Authentication requires the use of a passphrase and private key file to authenticate users.
Specify the administrative password for the Solaris server. If password authentication is used, enter a value. Otherwise, reconciliation later fails.
Passphrase (Required for key based authentication)
Enter the passphrase to use for key based authentication.
Private key file (Required for key based authentication)
Specify the full path and file name of the key store containing the private key of the client. This key store must be on the machine running the Tivoli Directory Integrator server.
Use these buttons:
Test Connection
Click to test the connection to the service.
Click when you are finished with this task.