Set Up Delegation

Use this page to delegate approvals and other activities, and to select dates and times for the delegation interval. Ensure that the user you select as a participant for workflow activities is able to access the activities list.

Delegate to
Select the name of the user to which you want to delegate your activities. Click Search to choose from a list of available users.

You can delegate activities only to users having the same authority as you and who belong to the same group. For example, as a manager, you can delegate your activities to other managers.

Your activities can be delegated only to one user. If your activities are delegated to one user, and then you delegate them to another user without stopping the first delegation, the second delegation replaces the first one.

Start date
Click the calendar icon to select the date that the delegation starts. The default date is the current date.
Start time
Click the clock icon to select the time of day that the delegation starts. The default time is the current time.
End date
Click the calendar icon to select the date that the delegation ends. The default date is the current date.
End time
Click the clock icon to select the time of day that the delegation ends. The default time is the current time.