Recertification Details
Use this page to perform a recertification activity.
- Request type
- Displays the type of request that was submitted. Click the name of the request type to view the request details.
- Service name
- Displays the name of the service associated with the account.
- Submission date
- Displays the date and time when the recertification request was submitted.
- Due date
- Identifies the date and time by which you must complete the activity. An activity that passes this date either forwards to a defined escalation participant, ends automatically, or remains available as an overdue activity.
- Requested for
- Identifies the user who requires recertification. Click the name of the user to view the user's personal profile.
- Requested by
- Displays the user who submitted the request. Click the name of the user to view the user's personal profile.
- Instructions
- Displays detailed instructions for the activity as specified by the activity notification.
- Comments
- Type a justification for the recertification activity.
You can use these buttons:
Select Approve to approve recertification.
Select Reject to reject recertification.