Complaints dashboard

The Complaints dashboard is a web-based application that shows the complaints trend analysis results.

You access the Complaints dashboard by entering the following URL in your web browser:


You must enter your log in credentials.

The Complaints dashboard shows the key trends in the analyzed complaints in a table. It also shows a bubble chart with further details on the trends. Each bubble corresponds to a single trend in the trend table. The size of the bubble corresponds to the volume of complaints that contributed to the trend. The color of the bubble corresponds to the level of risk that is associated with the complaint.

Figure 1. Complaints dashboard
Image showing the Complaints dashboard

Click a row in the trend table or a bubble in the bubble chart to display the Theme Details page.

Theme Details

The Theme Details page shows the complaints that contributed to the trend. It also shows a trend analysis chart with the complaint count and the date on the Y and X axis. Click one of the complaints in the table to show the evidence details page.

Figure 2. Theme Details page
Theme Details page

Evidence Details

The Evidence Details page shows the actual complaint text with the customer information. The complaint text is annotated with entities of interest that were identified by the NLU model. Users can also add or remove tags that correspond to the emotions that are expressed in the complaint text.

Figure 3. Evidence Details page
Evidence Details page

The complaints home page also contains the Explore option that you can use to view the complaint counts across the categories, products, processes, geographical areas, and age groups. It also has the keyword word counts for different combinations of the explore parameters. The following diagram shows the explore view.

Figure 4. Explore view
Explore view

The side pane displays the various filter parameters that you can use to filter the insights. The complaints part of this view shows the list of actual complaints.

Figure 5. Explore view
Explore view

Click a complaint from this list to display the complaint details similar to the one show in the Evidence Details page.