Installing SAML Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) sample application

Install the Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) sample application to validate the SAML response that comes from the identity provider.

The ACS is provided with the WebSphere® Application Server installation.


  1. Open a web browser.
  2. In the address bar, type the address for the WebSphere Admin Console.

    The Admin console address is http://servername:9060/ibm/console where servername is the name or IP address for the computer where you installed WebSphere Application Server.

  3. Install the application EAR file. The application is /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installableApps/WebSphereSamlSP.ear.
  4. In a terminal window, go to the /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin directory.
  5. Run the following command:

    wsadmin -f install <nodeName> <serverName>

    Or, you can run this command:

    wsadmin -f install <clusterName>

    Where nodeName is the name of the node of the target application server, serverName is the server name of the target application server, and clusterName is the name of the application server cluster.

  6. If IBM® HTTP Server is installed in your environment, open the WebSphere Admin Console.
  7. Under Applications, click Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
  8. Click WebSphereSamlSP.
  9. Under Modules, click Manage Modules.
  10. In the Clusters and servers list, select the web server and the WebSphere Application Server or cluster where you want to install the application.
  11. Select WebSphereSamlPSWeb, and click Apply.
  12. Click Save, and synchronize the server node.
  13. Under Environment, click Update global Web server plug-in configuration, and click OK.
  14. Under Servers, click Server Types > Web Server.
    1. Select the server, and click Generate Plug-in.
    2. Select the server, and click Propogate Plug-in.
  15. Restart the web server.
    1. In a terminal window, enter the following command to stop the server: /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl stop.
    2. In a terminal window, enter the following command to start the server: /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl start.